With lawyers, many with practical farming experience, dispersed in rural locations across the firm’s South, Mid and North Wales offices, Agri Advisor Legal LLP has ‘deep foundations in the business of agriculture as well as the law’. The scope of the work is broad and as well as core agricultural policy advice, the team is conversant with key issues of concern for the farming community, including as it relates to property matters, succession planning and litigation. Drawing upon ’deep roots in agriculture as a farmer herself’, Pumsaint-based practitioner Nerys Llewelyn Jones is a popular choice among clients in the rural community and combines this practical knowledge to ‘great effect with knowledge of the law to achieve great results for clients’. Jones is an expert on Common Agricultural Policy and is a key member of the team that also includes Carmarthenshire-based Manon Williams, who is ’able to give legal advice on current issues that face the agriculture sector’, including on succession planning matters.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'The firm is unique because of its deep foundations in the business of agriculture as well as the law.'
  • 'In the process of providing advice to farming businesses they are able to relate with the farmers.'
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Key clients

  • Menter a Busnes
  • Coleg Sir Gar
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Work highlights

  • Advise farmers and landowners about all aspects of law and in particular in relation to succession planning in terms of their businesses to include a review of their inheritance tax position.
  • As panel solicitors for NFU Legal Services, the firm handles a host of matters for NFU Farmer and Grower members.  
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