William Douglas-Jones > Chambers of Sara Lewis KC > Birmingham, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
St Philips Chambers
B2 5LS

Work Department



William Douglas-Jones has a strong criminal practice in the Crown Court and enjoys a practice beyond his level of call. His experience includes, matters of homicide, fraud, robbery, sexual offences, drugs and violence. Will also has significant experience of POCA and cash forfeiture matters.

He is known for his meticulous knowledge of his cases and his persuasive advocacy. He has been commended for the gravitas with which he appears in serious cases.

In addition to his defence practice, Will enjoys a busy prosecution practice in the Crown Court. Will also welcomes advisory work of all kinds and prides himself on the early consideration of papers on their receipt and the provision of early advice to instructing solicitors. Will is also available to accept instructions on motoring matters.


Called to the Bar in 2011.

Fee Paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, assigned to Health, Education and Social Care (2021)

Recorder Midland Circuit (2023)


The Midland Circuit
Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
Criminal Bar Association


University of Liverpool: BSc. Physiology, 2:1 (Hons) 2008
College of Law, Birmingham: Graduate Diploma in Law,
Distinction 2010
College of Law, Birmingham: BPTC, Outstanding 2011

Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Crime (general and fraud)

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 1

William Douglas-Jones – St Philips Chambers ‘William is a diligent and hardworking barrister. His spoken and written advocacy is outstanding. He is passionate about getting results. He can marshal large amounts of material.’

St Philips Chambers is ‘one of the best set in the West Midlands’, which ‘offers a high-quality service’ across the criminal law space. The team has significant expertise across a wide range of criminal matters, including drug conspiracies, fraud, murder, sexual offences and regulatory crime. Richard Atkins KC is highly adept at handling serious crime and murder matters – he prosecuted a woman for stabbing her mother to death. Jonathan Barker is regularly involved in multi-handed murder cases and currently represented a TikTok personality accused of being part of a group who murdered two men by forcing their cars off the A46 – the prosecution’s case is that the deceased were blackmailing the defendants. Jennifer Josephs successfully appealed a sentence for attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity (the “child” being an undercover police officer posing as one) – at issue was how to approach sentencing for a second similar offence when the law had changed between the first and second convictions. In September 2022, Andrew Smith KC, as was, was appointed as a circuit judge, and in July 2023 Marcus Harry and William Douglas-Jones joined from St Ives Chambers, and in October Rebecca Wade KCAmy Jackson, Sara Wyeth and Callum Church followed.