Michelle Heeley KC > Chambers of Adrian Keeling KC and Jonathan Jones KC > Birmingham, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Adrian Keeling KC and Jonathan Jones KC
No5 Barristers' Chambers
103 Colmore Row
B3 3AG


Michelle is the current Leader of the Midland Circuit. Her practice consists of dealing predominantly with complex, multi-handed trials such as murder, wide-scale drug conspiracies, and serious sexual offences. Instructed regularly by CPS Complex Casework Unit to prosecute the most serious cases, and in defence cases known for her sensitive handling of vulnerable witnesses and defendants.

She is regularly instructed privately to defend in high profile sexual offence allegations.


Called to the Bar 2001; Ropewalk Prize for Mooting; appointed Recorder in 2012.

Silk 2017

Leader of Midland Circuit 2021


Fluent German.


LLB (Hons Law and German); Nottingham Law School (BVC).



Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Professional disciplinary law

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Michelle Heeley KCNo5 Barristers’ Chambers

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Crime (general and fraud)

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Michelle Heeley KCNo5 Barristers’ Chambers ‘Michelle is incredibly hard-working and very responsive. She has a wonderful manner with clients and strong advocacy.’

No5 Barristers’ Chambers has expertise in handling high-profile criminal cases, including murder, financial crime, sexual abuse and drug offences, and is praised as one of the ‘leading chambers of barristers in the Midland Circuit’. Michael Duck KC has an established criminal practice and recently successfully prosecuted two young adults and a teenager who were convicted of the attempted murder of a thirteen-year-old boy in Birmingham’s Hockley Circus using an improvised firearm modified to fire shotgun cartridges; the case involved issues as to cell site analysis and the naming of the seventeen-year-old convicted. Michelle Heeley KC, who is regularly instructed for both the defence and the prosecution, prosecuted an eighteen-year-old who was convicted of killing a seventeen-year-old in Smethwick with what was referred to in the press as a “Rambo knife”; the matter involved issues of rap lyrics evidence. Ian Bridge specialises in criminal defence and has appeared in cases involving death by dangerous driving, while John O’Higgins advises on cases concerning terrorism and sexual offences.