Katie Langdon > Chambers of Adrian Keeling KC and Jonathan Jones KC > Birmingham, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Adrian Keeling KC and Jonathan Jones KC
No5 Barristers' Chambers
103 Colmore Row
B3 3AG

Work Department


Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 1

Katie LangdonNo5 Barristers’ Chambers ‘Katie is very adept at dealing with complex trust and business structures. She is a great advocate, willing to fight strongly for her client.’ 

No5 Barristers’ Chambers is a ‘go-to chambers in the Midland circuit’ for complex matrimonial finance matters involving cohabitee disputes, trust structures, inheritance, and pension issues. Stephanie Brown ‘is a formidable advocate, razor-sharp cross-examination, with the ear of the judge’, and her practice encompasses the full spectrum of work within financial remedy proceedings. Katie Langdon regularly assists clients with pre and post-nuptial agreements, including cases involving trusts and pensions, and garners praise for being a ‘thorough, tenacious, dedicated, and a true professional in her commitment to the client’s case’.