
Jens Lund Mosbek

Work Department

Employment and Labour Law, Corporate crime, investigations and compliance, EU Law, Public Law.


Jens Lund Mosbek specialises in labour and employment law, public law, litigation and arbitration, and conduct of independent legal investigations.

Jens has considerable experience in advising both private businesses and public employers on all aspects of labour and employment law. His specialist expertise includes equity-based pay, pension schemes, managers' legal rights, and the special regulation of public employers.

Over the past 15 years, Jens has acted in a considerable number of litigation and arbitration proceedings, particularly involving issues relating to labour and employment law and public law. He has represented clients in courts and tribunals of all instances and levels, including the European Court of Justice, the Danish Labour Court, as well as industrial, institutional and ad hoc arbitration tribunals.

Jens focuses on establishing an informal and open dialogue with clients, allowing him to provide strategic advice on legal issues, identify potential solutions and recommend the course of action that best meets the client's specific needs. At the same time, his focus is to find the best possible solution for the client in the specific situation.

Jens became a partner in 2009.


Member of the International Pension and Employee Benefits Lawyers Association (IPEBLA) Member of the European Employment Lawyers' Association (EELA) Member of the Danish Employment Lawyers Association (Foreningen for Ansættelsesretsadvokater) Member of the Danish Association for Labour Law (Dansk Forening for Arbejdsret).




Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 2003 Right of audience before the Danish High Court 1998 Admitted to practise law 1998 Master of Laws (cand. jur.), Aarhus University 1994.
