Leading Silks
Norman Nip SC
Rede Chambers
 ‘Norman is a highly sought after regulatory silk. He gives practical and thorough legal advice, is extremely eloquent on his feet and is well regarded by the court.  Norman is the go-to person in a complex regulatory and banking dispute.’
Wayne Walsh SC
Parkside Chambers
‘Wayne is undoubtedly one of the most respected experts in this field. With his experience in DoJ, including advisory roles in legal development and international collaborations, he has for many years been regarded as authoritative in his advice. It is for this reason he is engaged to provide expert opinions.’
Laurence Li SC
Temple Chambers
 ‘Laurence is the go-to barrister for SFC matters, in particular on insider dealing.  He has an encyclopedic knowledge coupled with a practical perspective on how to navigate difficult issues.  He is extremely user friendly – always makes himself available and is very approachable. ‘
Robert Pang SC
Bernacchi Chambers
  ‘His persuasive written submissions are nothing short of masterful, it is a pleasure to see him articulating and navigating complex legal arguments with clear and compelling force. His examination of evidence without fail reflects an impressive understanding of both the law and delicate details of each case.’
Sara Tong SC
Temple Chambers
‘Sara is incredibly thorough, robust and reliable.  Her performance in the courtroom is second to none as she is most capable in any setting, against any opponent, and before any judge. She is the real deal when it comes to a barrister who has the perfect combination of intellectual horsepower and advocacy skills.’
2024 Silks
Benson Tsoi SC
Parkside Chambers
‘Benson is a highly intelligent and forceful lawyer. He has excellent forensic judgment and commands the respect of the bench and the Bar.’
Benson Tsoi SC
Parkside Chambers
 'Benson is a highly intelligent and forceful lawyer. He has excellent forensic judgement and commands the respect of the bench and the Bar.'