Leading Silks
George Bompas KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘George has an excellent legal brain, being able quickly to analyse large quantities of material and provide first-class advice on strategy and merits.’
David Chivers KC
Erskine Chambers
‘One of the best company law barristers in the UK, but one who also has a strong social conscience, he works creatively to find strong legal arguments.’
Richard Hill KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘A robust and engaging advocate who commands a courtroom, and an excellent tactician who gets to the heart of a case easily.’
Philip Marshall KC
Serle Court
‘An incredibly quick wit and calm under pressure, Philip is a rare individual who combines a deep command of the law with an innate sense of the tactics needed to achieve the client's objectives.’
Martin Moore KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Martin combines an enormous brain with availability, pragmatism and a sense of humour, and he is very effective when presenting in court.’
Peter Arden KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Peter is an absolute guru in the field of insolvency and analyses proposed plans and arrangements from the ground up, starting from base principles.’
Barry Isaacs KC
South Square
‘Barry is exceptionally thorough in his preparation, his written advocacy is clear, direct and appropriately concise, and his oral advocacy is always perfectly measured.’
Daniel Lightman KC
Serle Court
‘Daniel has exceptional experience in shareholder disputes and is incredibly creative, thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions no one else thinks about.’
James Potts KC
Erskine Chambers
‘James is extremely personable and there is almost nobody in the market with more knowledge of shareholder disputes than he has.’
Tom Smith KC
South Square
‘Excellent responsiveness and technically amazing, he has a brilliant advocacy style, reads the court well and is highly persuasive.’
Andrew Thompson KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Frankly masterful, Andrew has deep, deep knowledge of the law and issues surrounding shareholders' and directors' disputes, coupled with calm and persuasive advocacy.’
Michael Todd KC
Erskine Chambers
‘An excellent barrister with great commercial experience in arbitration, particularly when there is a company law issue.’
Andrew Thornton KC
Andrew Thornton KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Andrew is a very effective advocate and a leader on transactional work who is a favourite among the leading corporate law firms.’
David Alexander KC
South Square
‘David is just excellent, very responsive, positive, clever and calm, the judges love him and he is a client favourite.’
Mark Arnold KC
South Square
‘Mark is thoughtful, considered and always able to back up with advice with authority, and he holds the court's attention well.’
Stephen Atherton KC
Twenty Essex
‘Technically excellent and perfectly suited for big-ticket work, Stephen is brilliant at explaining very complicated legal concepts to lawyers and clients.’
Daniel Bayfield KC
South Square
‘Daniel is one of the stars of the insolvency Bar, excellent on his feet and able to deal with difficult points when they arise.’
Edward Davies KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Ed is very user-friendly and responsive, and excellent at identifying creative and practical solutions to problems because he is on top of the detail.’
Andrew de Mestre KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘Andrew is supremely intelligent, his written advice is clear and articulate, and he provides simple conclusions stripping out the irrelevant and expertly explaining the law.’
Blair Leahy KC
Twenty Essex
‘Blair is one of the most thorough, engaged and responsive silks in the London market, nothing escapes her attention and her ability to communicate in a concise and clear manner is singularly impressive.’
Felicity Toube KC
South Square
‘Felicity is an absolutely fantastic advocate who brings a cool head and a laser-sharp focus to her practice, and is able to distil complex issues and really get to their core.’
Jonathan Adkin KC
Serle Court
‘Jonathan is an incredible barrister, extremely hardworking and not afraid to get stuck in on substantive drafting, he is an absolute pleasure to work with.’
Andrew Ayres KC
Twenty Essex
  ‘Phenomenally bright, charming on his feet, and a fantastic team player, his judgement and instincts are second to none.’
James Bailey KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘James is an outstanding advocate who has the ear of the bench from the moment he steps into the courtroom, and he is tactically brilliant.’
Michael Gibbon KC
Maitland Chambers
‘Responsive, intelligent and charming, Michael is a superb operator who shows fantastic attention to detail and is able to distil difficult concepts.’
Bridget Lucas KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Bridget's does exceptionally well in distilling years of background and complex legal principles - often with little precedent - and presenting them in a coherent and simple manner with conviction and precision.’
William McCormick KC
Selborne Chambers
‘William immediately identifies the key issues, focuses on them, charms and impresses judges in equal measure, and frequently makes fifty-fifty cases appear to be straightforward successes.’
David Mumford KC
Maitland Chambers
‘David is an immensely intelligent and hardworking advocate who efficiently analyses complex legal issues and provides concise commercial solutions.’
Hugh Norbury KC
Serle Court
‘Technically brilliant, commercially savvy and exemplary with clients, Hugh’s fierce attention to detail and tireless work ethic mean he is an asset in any instruction.’
Stuart Ritchie KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Stuart is one of the current stars of the Bar – extremely intelligent, incredibly easy to get on with and having a genuine weight to his opinion and thoughts.’
Hermann Boeddinghaus KC
Hermann Boeddinghaus KC
4 Stone Buildings
‘Hermann is a very astute and bright advocate, who produces top-notch work under intense time pressure and knows when to push the difficult points at a hearing.’
2022 Silks
Giles Richardson KC
Serle Court
‘Extremely clever, charming and efficient. Clients have been very impressed with his clear advice and frequently ask that many re-instruct him.’
Stephen Robins KC
South Square
 ‘Intellectually at top of the game, he is a pleasure to watch on his feet, delivering legal arguments in his quietly unassuming but assured and persuasive manner.’
2023 Silks
Ben Shaw KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Ben is very approachable and works very well as part of a team. He explains complex matters very clearly.’
Ben Shaw KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Ben has a brain the size of a planet and has been around the block enough to know and anticipate both the legal fight and the strategy, and he is calm, trustworthy and seemingly unflappable.’
2024 Silks
James Sheehan KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘James is very user-friendly and responsive, his written work is terrific, and his knowledge of conspiracy law in particular is encyclopaedic.’