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Leading Silks

Gavin Millar KC – Matrix Chambers 'An excellent silk.'
Richard Price KC – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square 'He is hugely knowledgeable on election law.'
Timothy Straker KC – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square 'A sagacious and astute silk.'
Helen Mountfield KCMatrix Chambers 'Helen is an incisive silk, with very strong emotional intelligence and client management skills.'

Leading Juniors

Rachel Kapila – Cloth Fair Chambers 'Rachel is hugely talented, with an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of often byzantine electoral laws and a seemingly effortless ability to master the facts of a case in double-quick time. She combines this with a disarming manner with clients that puts them at their ease.'
Vivienne Sedgley4-5 Gray’s Inn Square 'An expert in this field.'
Tom Gillie - Matrix Chambers 'Tom understands this niche area very well and has innate empathy with the political nature of the disputes. He is able to convey the political sensitivities and motivations in a very clear manner to those not familiar with political campaigns.'

Elections in London Bar

Matrix Chambers

Matrix Chambers has an excellent reputation for handling the full spectrum of contentious and non-contentious work in the election law space. Gavin Millar KC is a highly regarded election law expert, and Helen Mountfield KC is sought after for her expertise in advising on election petitions. Prior to her own election as Member of Parliament for Finchley and Golders Green in the 2024 general election, Sarah Sackman successfully represented the respondent local councillor in Buchan v Elliott, defeating an election petition challenging the result of a Hartlepool Borough Council election – at issue in this case was if statements made on the victor’s leaflets about the second-placed a minor party candidate’s support for a locally controversial housing development were political or personal.

4-5 Gray's Inn Square

At 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, members are very well known for their expertise in advising electoral administrators and returning officers on local, parliamentary and mayoral election matters, and are equally adept at advising the Electoral Commission, individual candidates and political parties on a broad spectrum of election law issues. Recent work includes Timothy Straker KC acting on behalf of the returning officer in a petition concerning incorrectly issued ballot papers for a parish council by-election; it was ruled that the election was conducted in accordance with the law and the result was unaffected by the error. At the junior end of chambers, the ‘extremely thoroughVivienne Sedgley counts referendum matters, electoral registrations and political party disputes among her key specialisms.


A very responsive and reasonable set.’

The clerks are very accommodating and supportive of client needs.’