Leading Silks
Thomas de la Mare KC
Blackstone Chambers
'Tom is a top of the range advocate. Unrivalled depth of knowledge in his specialist areas, especially EU law, combined with an attractive, clear and persuasive advocacy style. He has the knack of making you think you would be crazy not to agree with him, even when he is wrong. Respected by the senior judiciary.'
Marie Demetriou KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Marie really is the best advocate at the Bar in EU and competition matters. Excellent judgement, extremely tight legal analysis and an extremely persuasive advocate.’
Philip Moser KC
Monckton Chambers
‘Unparalleled knowledge and litigation experience in the field of EU directives in English law. Philip is a brilliant advocate.' 
Jemima Stratford KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Jemima is supremely clever and knows the legal areas in which she practises extremely well. She has excellent judgement as to which arguments are likely to impress the court and which are likely to go down less well.’
Brian Kennelly KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘Brian is a star. He is a highly experienced and effective advocate, including before the European Courts of Justice. His advocacy is clear, logical and persuasive. The depth of his preparation is always evident by his ability to effectively respond to any questions or interventions.’
Hugh Mercer KC
Essex Court Chambers
'Hugh's knowledge of EU law and procedure is encyclopaedic. His experience and expertise shines through in all of the advice that he gives - getting to an answer in 30 seconds that takes the rest of us days to reach.'
Aidan O’Neill KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Phenomenal knowledge of all areas with what must be a photographic memory for law, and indeed outside law so that external issues can be brought to bear in legal arguments. A simply extraordinary talent.'
George Peretz KC
Monckton Chambers
'Pure class. Staggeringly effective in court, where George is simple and effective, reducing the complex to the essence of the point for the benefit of the judge. He is also very good with clients.'
Victoria Wakefield KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Victoria is very bright, articulates points with great clarity, and is very astute. She understands clients’ commercial objectives and how best to achieve those goals.’
Tim Ward KC
Monckton Chambers
'Very knowledgeable on EU law principles and how they interrelate with English law. Tim is a calm and composed advocate, a great team player, and always willing to listen to others ideas and to build on them.' 
Sarah Abram KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Sarah is really blazing a trail moving seamlessly into silk. She is a wonderful advocate who always has the ear of the court and a great team player. Her star status will only rise.’
Lord Banner KC
Keating Chambers
‘Charles is simply superb. He is a great advocate, he has an uncanny ability to read to room and adjust his argument accordingly. He is always on top of his brief and clients love his clear, unambiguous advice.’ 
Monica Carss-Frisk KC
Blackstone Chambers
'Monica is a forceful and inventive advocate. She has a rare ability to distill complex facts into effective arguments that can be persuasively deployed before the court. Very deep and impressive knowledge and understanding of EU law and institutions.' 
Daniel Jowell KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Daniel's knowledge of UK and EU competition law is unsurpassed. He provides clear, detailed and pragmatic advice. He is a stand out advocate both in terms of identifying the best points to run, but also knowing when to change tack.'
Robert Palmer KC
Monckton Chambers
'Robert has a very clear and accessible style, allied with many years of experience of EU and regulatory law. An impressive and smooth operator.'
James Segan KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘James is an absolute pro and one of (if not the) best barrister to work with in London. He is an exceptionally strong advocate, incredibly intelligent, very skilled on strategic choices and a real pleasure to work with. You definitely want James on your side, rather than the other side.’
Kassie Smith KC
Monckton Chambers
 ‘Kassie is an excellent advocate – calm, measured, and has the trust of the court. She is also extremely collaborative and easy to work with.’
Jon Turner KC
Monckton Chambers
‘Excellent knowledge of EU and UK competiton law. He is a measured, calm advocate, able to deal with any question from the court without appearing perturbed. He is well organised in terms of deploying the team around him.’ 
David Wolfe KC
Matrix Chambers
 ‘David's practice includes judicial review challenges to planning and environmental cases in which his expert knowledge of EU law (on which most of our UK regulatory scheme is still based) gives him a competitive edge over most of his rivals.'
2023 Silks
Katherine Apps KC
39 Essex Chambers
'Katherine has a brilliant grasp of EU and public law, in particular challenges against public bodies. She also has the changes as a result of Brexit at her fingertips.'
2024 Silks
Brendan McGurk KC
Monckton Chambers
‘Brendan is exceptional bright. His ability to quickly assimilate detail is second to none. He adds real value and consistently achieves tangible results in complex matters.'