Leading Silks
David Josse KC
5 St Andrews Hill
‘David is one of the best leading counsel in extradition law. He is a fantastic advocate and on a superior level to most leading counsel. He is also an excellent strategist and prepares the case very thoroughly.’
Hugo Keith KC
Three Raymond Buildings
'Hugo is a commanding presence in court, he ensures he is thoroughly prepared both in terms of the facts and the law and works extraordinarily hard.'
Clare Montgomery KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Clare has a great many strengths, not least her brilliant legal mind which makes her a leading expert in extradition. Clare's ability to absorb vast amounts of information in a short space of time, whilst keeping all the details at her fingertips is unparalleled.’
Mark Summers KC
Matrix Chambers
‘Mark's real strength is his encyclopaedic knowledge of extradition law and his ability to marshal that into clear and robust submissions. He is incredibly hardworking and knows his cases inside out.’
Ben Cooper KC
Doughty Street Chambers
 'Ben is an extremely determined and dogged advocate. He is relentless and will tirelessly fight for his clients. He isn't afraid to take novel points and is a persuasive on his feet.'
James Lewis KC
Three Raymond Buildings
'James is an extremely experienced and resourceful extradition lawyer. He is fair as a prosecutor, he is creative and fearless as a defence advocate. He has a great gift for clarity and for simplifying complex matters so as to present them attractively to the court.'
Rachel Barnes KC
‘Intellectually, Rachel is extremely strong. She is very clear and persuasive on paper. She is calm and deliberate in oral advocacy.’
2024 Silks
Furnival Chambers
‘Joel is a new silk who combines an excellent extradition pedigree with a wealth of criminal prosecution advocacy expertise.’