Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Nick Brown
Doughty Street Chambers
'Nick is extremely adept at bringing together complex legal issues into comprehensible language. He is a fierce advocate who is able to think swiftly on his feet in court, and uses a perfectly balanced tone demonstrating controlled assertiveness. He thinks creatively, works extremely hard and communicates effectively.' 
Nick Stanage
Doughty Street Chambers
'Nick is an amazing advocate. He recently represented at an inquest on a particularly difficult matter. He is extremely persuasive and articulate. His client care is exceptional - and his ability to explain to a bereaved family the intricacies of coronial law second to none. Watching him in court is like watching the very best of court room dramas. Highly recommended.'
Iain Daniels
2 Hare Court
‘Iain is sympathetic to clients and assertive in the court room. His attention to detail is second-to-none. He is an amazing advocate.’
Raj Desai
Matrix Chambers
‘Raj is a very able advocate. He is very bright and an outstanding communicator. His written work is first-rate.’
Alison Gerry
Doughty Street Chambers
'Alison is incredibly knowledgeable, calm and considered and thorough. She has excellent attention to detail and a really good strategic vision. She is an excellent advocate; concise, eloquent and compelling.'
Sam Jacobs
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Sam is an excellent advocate. He is always calm and measured in his approach, which means he gains the respect of the court. He is skilled at cross-examination and solicitors have seen him calmly and effectively demolish police officer witnesses. He knows the points to pursue and does so with great skill. ‘
Helen Law
Matrix Chambers
‘Helen is exceedingly clever, hugely efficient, and her advocacy is excellent. She is incredibly strategic, anticipating issues and problems far in advance and ensuring the claimant legal team is prepared for anything.’
David Lemer
Doughty Street Chambers
'David works at the cutting edge of police-focused work. He is fiercely intellectual, a deep thinker with with a mastery of technical detail. Comfortable arguing a novel point of law before the Supreme Court. He is the full package.'
Una Morris
Garden Court Chambers
‘Una is absolutely brilliant. Her advocacy is exceptional. She is always really well-prepared and she is quick on her feet. She is tenacious and determined, even in the most difficult of cases.’
Patrick Roche
Garden Court Chambers
'Patrick is very personable. He has a calm disposition with clients and is able to build a good rapport. He has a fantastic ability to simplify complex areas of law and legal dilemmas. He is a pleasure to work with.'    
Jesse Nicholls
Jesse Nicholls
Matrix Chambers
‘Jesse is a go-to barrister for actions against the police, he has total mastery of the area. He consistently produces work of a silk standard. Always willing to take on the most difficult arguments, in turn he is very skilled at making those difficult arguments straightforward in court.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Tim-James Matthews
Tim-James Matthews
Matrix Chambers
'Innovative and knowledgeable - excellent all round grasp of issues and fantastic written work.'