Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Amal Clooney
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Amal has long been performing at the level of Silk. Her command of granular legal detail and facts is combined with an astute strategic mind and compelling advocacy style. She is the master of having a complete strategy for her clients and advancing the law one case at a time, always with the bigger picture in mind.’
Penelope Nevill
Twenty Essex 
‘She is undoubtedly one of the talents in the field. She is knowledgeable, diligent, and fluent, both orally and in writing, with an unusually astute facility for grasping the essential policy context of international issues.’
Kate Parlett
Twenty Essex
‘She is fantastic, excellent strategic and pragmatic mind. She has is a legal heavyweight, with the ability to deliver on a human and sensitive level that clients can understand and brilliant drafting skills.’
Philippa Webb
Twenty Essex
'Philippa is a superb barrister, with excellent analytical skills and unsurpassed knowledge in certain areas (most obviously sovereign immunity). She is a pleasure to work with and is a safe pair of hands who consistently displays excellent judgement and produces the highest quality work.’ 
Can Yeginsu
3 Verulam Buildings
'Can is currently the PIL superstar junior at the London Bar. His academic credentials are superb, a first-rate advocate combining the gravitas of the university professor with the crisp presentation of a London Silk - there is no area he does not have an encyclopaedic knowledge of - whether on issues of state immunity, consular law, investment treaties, or international human rights.’
Michelle Butler
Matrix Chambers
‘Michelle is one of the very few to have done a witness examination before the ICJ, and she does it extremely brilliantly. She is outstanding.’
Belinda McRae
Twenty Essex
‘A fantastic can-do attitude, always ready to roll her sleeves up. Belinda has a formidable intellect which she combines with excellent litigation skills and instincts – a real star.’ 
Cameron Miles
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Amazing work ethic, complete grasp of the facts with almost perfect recall, extensive knowledge of public international law, boundless enthusiasm.’
Jason Pobjoy
Blackstone Chambers
'Jason is exceptionally clever, works extremely well under pressure and is capable of managing large teams in difficult circumstances. He has excellent people skills as well as impressive legal expertise and can cut through complexity to provide clear and concise advice.’ 
Mark Wassouf
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Mark has an impressive understanding of public international law as well as clear and persuasive drafting. He is an affable person to work with and his advice, particularly on state immunity issues, is spot on – a charming and clever barrister who will go far.’
Paul Wee
Essex Court Chambers
'Paul is exceedingly bright. His attention to detail is outstanding and his analysis is rigorous and forensic. He demonstrates mature judgement.'
Edward Craven
Edward Craven
Matrix Chambers
‘Brilliant - Edward is a fabulous junior and his knowledge of public international law is unparalleled. He brings buckets of enthusiasm, wit and intelligence to every case he does.’
Tariq Baloch
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Tariq is a thoughtful and persuasive advocate. He is good at thinking outside the box and adopts an innovative approach. He is also collegial and client-focused in his delivery.’ 
Paolo Busco
Twenty Essex
‘Paolo is an extremely bright lawyer, a resourceful advocate, and an excellent scholar. He impresses with the width of his legal knowledge, spanning the whole spectrum of public international law – including, the law of the sea, jurisdictional immunities, human rights, humanitarian law, and general dispute resolution.’
Manuel Casas
Twenty Essex
‘Manuel’s international law expertise is first class. He has a deep understanding of the subject matter and is strong on strategy and tactics. He is also very personable and pleasant to deal with.’ 
Tatyana Eatwell
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Tatyana is an excellent lawyer who combines a wealth of expertise in international law and human rights with a hard-working attitude and an excellent attention to detail. She is compassionate in an area of law which is often complex and difficult to navigate – fantastic knowledge and technical skills, combined with excellent client care and broader understanding of strategy, an asset to any legal team.’
Monica Feria-Tinta
Twenty Essex
‘Monica is burning for her clients - she is definitely going the extra mile. She thinks outside the square to achieve the best solutions. She is a persuasive advocate.’ 
Rishab Gupta
Twenty Essex
 ‘Rishab is a very hard working highly intelligent lawyer with clarity of thinking and expression and his attention to detail is first-class. A consummate lawyer and clever tactician who is always prepared to roll his sleeves up and work with the team – phenomenal.’  
Naomi Hart
Essex Court Chambers
‘Naomi is a star – ferociously bright, very hard-working, a great team player and her analytical skills are exceptional. Her practice in PIL is growing quickly, she is excellent in the investor state dispute field, as well as in pure state-versus-state cases.’ 
Simon Olleson
Twenty Essex
‘As a junior, Simon is peerless in the field of international law. Encyclopedic, refined and impactful, Simon brings class and quality to everything he does.’
Naina Patel
Blackstone Chambers
‘Naina is an excellent junior who works very hard and engages fully with all issues. She is very impressive in court and completely on top of the case with excellent client skills.’ 
Jennifer Robinson
Doughty Street Chambers
 'Jennifer is a superb barrister: a persuasive and eloquent advocate, intelligent, knowledgeable, able to think through a range of legal strategies and very hard working. She is also a delight to work with in a legal team.’
Thomas Sebastian
Essex Court Chambers
 ‘Best barrister in the market when it comes to international trade, but also a first-rate PIL generalist – in terms of both analytical and strategic thinking, he is one of the best senior juniors in PIL.’
Jonathan Worboys
4 New Square
‘Jonathan is highly sought after practitioner for international law matters for good reason: he has a wonderful ability to see to the heart of the matter and to explain the key questions clearly. He is also excellent at bringing the team and the ultimate client together in agreeing upon important strategic points.’