Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Marisa Allman1
The 36 Group
‘Marisa is a phenomenal barrister. She is a silk in all but name. She has a serene presence in court and judges want to hear what she has to say.’
Nicholas Power1
Broadway House Chambers
‘A consummate financial remedy barrister who never loses sight of the bigger picture. His advocacy is clear, measured and highly persuasive; a great negotiator who inspires confidence in clients through his knowledge and meticulous preparation of a case.’
Emily Ward2
Broadway House Chambers
'A junior with authority and expertise way beyond her years. Her advocacy is impeccable, she provides realistic advice and she has a reassuring manner.'
Jake Ellis3
Broadway House Chambers
'Jake is an insightful and effective advocate with a great legal mind. His advocacy is smooth and unruffled, which puts the client and judge at ease.'
Chambers of James Murphy
'Julia has a candid and practical approach to cases. She is a highly skilled advocate who balances empathy with direct questioning, which makes her very effective.'