Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Carly Sandbach1
Exchange Chambers
‘Carly is a real star; she combines really sharp analytical skills with a clear focus on achieving the client's commercial goals, and she is as strong on paper as she is when appearing before the court with an ability in both forms to persuasively present her client's case at its strongest. There are few barristers outside of London who stand comparison to Carly.'
David Went1
Exchange Chambers
'A versatile and highly skilled advocate. He has really grown in stature over the last 24+ months, and his written work is of the highest calibre.'
Paul Brant2
Chambers of Paul Brant
 'Paul's primary quality is that he is passionate about the law and a genuine individual who is great to work with. He is thorough and professional at all times, he always gives the best service that he can regardless of how busy he is, and clients like him and feel comfortable with him and confident in is abilities.'
Stephen Connolly2
Exchange Chambers
‘Stephen is sure on his legal arguments and prepares to develop them carefully but with force in his skeleton arguments and before a judge. He is an advocate to have in your corner for a case heading for trial, and he is not distracted by new matters as they unfold and remains calm under pressure.’
James Malam2
Exchange Chambers
 'James is excellent at spotting the important details and utilising these to the benefit of the client, and on a number of occasions he has spotted issues which have been vitally important. He takes a very considered approach to advocacy, he explains clearly and concisely his points and their relevance, and in contrast to many of his opponents, he does not need to be questioned by judges to elaborate on or explain his arguments.'
Andrew Vinson2
Exchange Chambers
‘Andrew is extremely knowledgeable and always prepared to help or assist with an ad hoc query or more meaningful instructions. He is passionate for his clients and while he remains calm, he is also forceful in his points.'
Richard Tetlow3
Exchange Chambers
‘Richard is technically excellent whilst also commercially minded. He impresses clients with a confident but courteous courtroom approach, and he is both meticulous and efficient in drafting pleadings.'
Asa Tolson3
 'Asa is a calm, confident advocate. He is thorough in his assessment of a case and able to give full, reasoned arguments.'
Elisabeth Tythcott3
Chambers of Richard Chapman KC
 ‘Elisabeth is invariably well-prepared and thorough. She demonstrates a good knowledge of the applicable legal principles, and as an advocate, she is calm and measured, responding effectively to judicial interventions.'
Guy Vickers3
Exchange Chambers
 ‘Guy's strengths are his attention to detail, advocating the issues in a simple, straightforward manner.’
Kings Chambers
 'Adam is extremely knowledgeable in his field and has a calm and reassuring demeanour, which puts clients at immediate ease that their case is in safe hands. His experience in the area has also allowed him to build a network of useful contacts with various branches of expertise, making him a genuine asset.'
Daniel Metcalfe3
Chambers of Frances Heaton KC and Richard Norton
‘Daniel has a strong work ethic and attends every conference and every hearing having read every word of every document provided to him. In addition to being well-read, he becomes fully familiar with the case and has excellent recall, and during advocacy, he is a real fighter and not afraid to make points and stands his ground with opponents and judges.’