Leading Silks
Richard Chapman KC
18 St John Street Chambers
 'Very thorough and measured, and very sensible, which feeds through into his advocacy. He engages well with opponents and the tribunal.'
David Mohyuddin KC
Radcliffe Chambers
David Casement KC
Kings Chambers
Mark Harper KC
Kings Chambers
Lesley Anderson KC
Kings Chambers
 'Lesley is highly intelligent and insightful with a wealth of experience.'
Louis Doyle KC
Kings Chambers
 'Louis is a very hands-on barrister who looks after his instructing solicitors by being an enormous source of support, technical know-how, and strategic thinking. He is as impressive on the advisory side as he is in court, and he is always happy to assist the team in any way he can and he really is an extension of the team because he is so seamlessly able to get along with opponents, clients, and judges.'
Paul Chaisty KC
Kings Chambers
 ‘Paul is without a doubt the most effective cross-examiner and a superb trial lawyer. He has a command of the minutiae of cases and is a charming yet forceful advocate.’
Giles Maynard-Connor KC
Exchange Chambers
Eleanor Temple KC
Kings Chambers
 'Eleanor is the best barrister for insolvency in Leeds bar none.'
Andrew Grantham KC
Kings Chambers
‘Andrew’s opinions are very clear and concise and he is able to provide excellently detailed advice on a tight timescale.’