Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Chambers of Oliver Segal KC
 ‘Paras is an exceptional barrister and his willingness to provide his views at an early stage is essential to helping shape the defence of a claim and it genuinely feels like he is part of the team. His client handling skills are excellent, he has a great ability to cut through complicated scenarios and focus on the issues which really matter, and explain complex issues in simple terms.’
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘David has an incredible depth of knowledge in employment law and this shows in the confidence he brings to his hearings. He lays out his arguments and his method of questioning a witness in a way that is easy for the tribunal to follow.’
Amy Smith1
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘Amy is very client-friendly and is excellent at cross-examining particularly difficult witnesses. She also works very well under pressure and is quick to get stuck into the difficult issues which determine whether a case is won or lost.'
Scott Redpath2
Exchange Chambers
‘Scott is very sensible in his approach and comes across as thoughtful and considered. He is well-prepared for his cases and his interactions with the clients and witnesses are positive.’
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘Lena is exceptionally good with detail and can cut through masses of detail and focus the tribunal’s mind on the pertinent matter. Her advocacy is persuasive and skilful, she approaches vulnerable witnesses with sensitivity, and her lines of questioning are always well-thought out, but she is also adaptable in the face of unpredictability.’
Nigel Grundy2
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘You just cannot go wrong instructing Nigel. He is a great all-rounder, he knows the case inside out, he puts the opposing witnesses at ease, and he gets the best out of your own witnesses.’
Bruce Henry2
Chambers of Barry Grennan
‘Bruce gives clear and firm advice and delivers it in a professional and empathetic way, which is good for lay clients. He is brilliant with claimant matters and his advocacy in the Employment Tribunal is second-to-none.'
James Hurd2
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘James's preparation is meticulous, which is manifest by the sound legal analysis which he employs in his skeleton arguments. His precise advocacy is easy for any judge to follow such that it undermines the opponent’s application or case with compelling subtlety; a first rate advocate.'
Rachael Levene3
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
 'Rachel puts forward very credible and compelling submissions on the technical legal arguments. Her approach to cross-examination is balanced and completely appropriate when dealing with a litigant in person, and she makes her points effectively without being aggressive or oppressive.'
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘Martin is a phenomenal advocate. He is so knowledgeable and thorough, he is extremely good with each client, providing a very good understanding for legal terminology and support throughout hearings, and he will guide on legal process, and make sure he has a deep understanding of every case.’
Katie Nowell3
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
 'Katie is very thorough and never misses a point. She provides significant strategic input, she is responsive, and she is always willing to make herself available to discuss points.'
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Rosie Kight
Kings Chambers
‘Rosie is incredibly organised and gets her head around all the key dates, facts, and documents very quickly. She is able to identify the key issues very quickly and communicates these in a very straightforward and clear way.'
Laura Kaye
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘Laura is very knowledgeable, always prepared, and builds great relationships with the client. Her advocacy style is strong, well-thought out, and always comes across well at tribunals; she is a go-to barrister.’
Chambers of Christopher Kennedy KC
‘One of Robert’s strengths is getting to the crux of complex issues and claims quickly. He is also very good with the clients, and he is not afraid to tackle the weaknesses of a claim, but in a way the client can understand and can then go on to make an informed choice regarding assessment of risk.’