Leading Silks
Lincoln House Chambers
 ‘Kate is a tenacious advocate who does not hold back from difficult questions, has a measured manner, and is always thinking ahead. She is all over the detail and is great at leading a team.'
Garden Court North Chambers
 ‘Pete is fearless in his pursuit of the truth for his clients. He is extremely clear sighted in how to put his case, and he identifies key issues and ensures that they are pursued through the examination of witnesses and legal submissions; Pete is the go-to advocate for any bereaved family in an inquest or inquiry.'
Deans Court Chambers
 'Sophie has phenomenal client care skills; she can talk to a client, explain a complex issue, and put them at ease in even the most difficult circumstances. She is passionate about what she does and truly cares, and she is a good advocate and her calm demeanour hides a ruthless instinct.'
Michael Rawlinson KC
Kings Chambers
‘Michael’s advocacy sets him apart from many of his peers, as he has great poise in the courtroom with rhythm and clarity to his legal submissions; he always hits the mark. He is as formidable as he is charming, but always willing and able to adapt to the task at hand.’
2023 Silks
Garden Court North Chambers
‘Anna is a sensible and highly able advocate who excels in her management of vulnerable witnesses and sensitive material. She is well-organised and rigorous, both in terms of her preparation and examination of witnesses and evidence, and her understated and calm disposition coupled with a very sharp intellect mean that she is the perfect choice for inquests involving vulnerable participants and state agencies.’