Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Nigel Clayton1
Kings Chambers
‘Nigel is an extremely experienced property barrister. He is a go-to counsel for complicated property disputes.'
Matthew Hall1
Kings Chambers
‘Matthew is very bright and an excellent advocate, who cross-examines incisively. He is exceptionally user-friendly when it comes to dealing with solicitors and clients, and he can tackle the most difficult of cases.’
Wilson Horne1
Kings Chambers
‘Wilson is able to get to the nub of the issue very quickly. He can deliver a strong argument that is punchy and to the point.’
Andrew Williams1
Exchange Chambers
 ‘Andrew is exceptionally bright, and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of property law. Not only does he have a sharp intellect and an ability to think on his feet without ever giving the impression of being caught off guard or flustered, he is also extremely personable and engaging.'
Peter Dixon2
Exchange Chambers
'His work is exceptionally precise and he has a major advantage having been a surveyor for a number of years.'
Geraint Wheatley2
Kings Chambers
‘Geraint is measured and calm. He provides confident and clear advice, and his advocacy is precise and powerful without being prolix.’
Simon Whitfield2
Exchange Chambers
'Mr Whitfield has exceptional skills in giving oral and written advice as well as drafting. He is extremely prompt in responding to requests for advice and drafting, even with very short deadlines.'