Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Christopher Prior1
Lamb Building
 'Christopher is the whole package. He is organised, calm, measured and well-organised. He is authoritative and persuasive, and his client care is excellent.'
William Carter2
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
 'William is a first-class advocate, equally good for prosecution and defence. He is always well-prepared, his trial skills are second to none, and his cross-examination of the other side's witnesses is often devastating.'
Daniel Frier2
Mountford Chambers
 ‘Daniel is always well-prepared with excellent attention to detail. He is well-liked by opponents and endears himself to a jury. He is a class advocate who delivers polished and punchy speeches.’
Lynne Shirley2
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
 ‘Lynne takes a committed and client-focused approach, providing helpful and detailed advice to those instructing. She takes great care in ensuring the client’s needs are met and makes availability for conferences.’
187 Chambers
‘Matthew has a thorough, careful and meticulous approach to case preparation. He provides understandable and realistic advice and is able to engage with clients.’
Amy Packham2
Lamb Building
 'Amy is able to master cases of particular complexity involving vast amounts of material very quickly and distil them in such a way as to make them clear and persuasive to juries. She has a calm but steely manner in court that commands the respect of judges and opposing counsel.'
187 Chambers
 'Neil is a great tactician, an excellent advocate and a cross-examiner. He has a very good technical understanding of complex cases and is especially good with individual clients in high-pressure situations.'
Peter Guest3
187 Chambers
 'Peter has a wonderful balance of personal warmth and dogged professional determination which appeals to all of his clients. His written opinions are always concise, and his courtroom manner has jurors spellbound.'
Sally Hobson3
The 36 Group
'Sally is efficient, conscientious, thorough and a brilliant legal mind. She is extremely skilled at identifying issues and evidence that could change the entire face of the case. Her client care skills are second to none.'
Emma Nash3
187 Chambers
‘Emma is hardworking and dedicated. She thoroughly prepares her cases, and her legal knowledge is sound. She pays real attention to detail and is extremely good with vulnerable and anxious witnesses. In court, she is a natural advocate and a real force to be reckoned with.’
Stephen Spence3
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
'Stephen is a formidable opponent. His analysis of the evidence and where to attack is always spot on. His cross-examination is tailored to the case but always hits the mark. His tactical approach to a case is masterful, which results in a high impact on the jury.'
Jonathan Atkinson3
Lamb Building
 'Jonathan is a fantastic barrister. His analysis of the issues in a case is astute. His advocacy style is measured and authoritative. When prosecuting, he is firm but fair, and when defending, he is through and explores all relevant avenues to assist his client.'
Azza Brown4
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
 'Azza is hardworking and gives her absolute all in every case. She is approachable and gives her advice to the client clearly and in a way which is easily understood. She will leave no stone unturned to present the defendant's case in the best light.'
Sophie Evans4
Mountford Chambers
 'Sophie has a clear intellect and couples this with an astute understanding of people and their issues. She is persuasive and someone you want to listen to.'
Claire Howell4
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
'Claire is an outstanding advocate combining a fierce legal mind with an engaging court presence. Her principal strength is her ability to tackle complicated and challenging legal arguments. She has a highly tactical approach to cases and steady presence in court.'
Tanya Robinson4
Chambers of Stephen Hockman KC and Mark Watson KC
 'Tanya is extremely thorough in her preparation and an excellent advocate. She is a "go-to" barrister for high-end work, whether privately funded or legally aided. She gives clients the utmost confidence that they will be well-represented and their cases well-prepared.'
Chambers of Stephen Hockman KC and Mark Watson KC
'Ben is a very approachable man, easy to contact and discuss a case with. He is completely unflappable in difficult situations. He can assimilate complicated facts quickly and develop a case strategy in an extremely short period.'
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
 ‘Johanna has an engaging and commanding style of advocacy backed up by a strong tactical mind. She has a natural style of advocacy and connects very easily with juries and judges. She has the ability to deal with challenging cases logically and calmly.’
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Sebastian Walker
The 36 Group
'Sebastian thoroughly understands and analyses substantial and complex evidence and quickly and efficiently incorporates the changing evidential picture into his analysis.'