Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Civitas Law
'He is professional and has an excellent manner with clients. He does not get rattled and is always very well prepared and is a skilled advocate. He goes the extra mile for his clients and has an excellent appreciation of the challenges faced by solicitors.' 
Civitas Law
'She is approachable and supportive. She has excellent witness care skills and is always a delight to instruct. She is responsive and gives hands on practical support throughout. She is also a skilled and experienced advocate, with the rare mix of a subtle yet robust approach.'
Civitas Law
‘He is extremely thorough in his preparation and assessment of cases and is always on hand to provide advice when needed. He is well-respected by clients and his general manner and presentation in meetings and court instils a sense of confidence in him and his ability to find the most suitable resolution under the circumstances.’