Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Sophie Holme1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Sophie's written work is phenomenally detailed and her analyses are always both commercially astute and highly forensic. Her formidable advocacy combines force with a highly reasoned and reasonable approach and client care is impeccable, especially with more vulnerable individuals.' 
Mark Lomas1
Chambers of David Berkley KC
'Mark is extremely attentive to the smallest detail so you can be confident that every point will be covered so nothing can jump out and bite you in the future. His advocacy is calm and measured and produces excellent results.' 
Vanessa McKinlay1
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Vanessa is a superb advocate; precise and clear. She also has excellent client skills and is willing to give time to clients who struggle with difficult concepts and explain them in layman’s terms, which is particularly important in fatal cases.’ 
Robert Mills1
1 Crown Office Row A1
  ‘Robert is a really superb barrister. He is extremely bright and knowledgeable and knows cases inside out. Robert’s advocacy is also very impressive  – he is eloquent, confident and persuasive and he always manages to secure excellent results.’
Kriti Upadhyay1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
'One key strength of hers is her attention to detail.  She is confident and articulate in conference and is also very good with clients, especially in upsetting cases with tricky issues.' 
Justin Valentine1
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Justin is forensic in his approach, and has an eye for detail. He is also tactically very strong, and maintains one eye on the big picture. Overall, Justin is very easy to work with as he aims to get the best outcome through working as a team.’ 
Rachel Segal2
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Rachel is extremely good with clients and her advocacy is excellent. She is also incredibly strong on anything related to relief from sanctions.'
Abigail Stamp2
Deka Chambers
‘She is good with clients, user friendly, and takes a great interest in her cases. She is excellent in court as well as in round table meetings.'   
Chambers of Charles Row KC
‘Joanna is extremely efficient and thorough and has an ability to breakdown the most complicated evidence. She is great with clients and provides extremely user friendly advice. She is also a brilliant advocate and a very safe pair of hands with the most sensitive of claims and inquests.'