Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Darren Lewis1
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Darren knows his stuff in a practice area in a part of the country where specialists are few and far between. He is always approachable, calm and unflustered. Darren has strong advocacy skills and provides timely and detailed written advice.'
Oliver Moore1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Oliver knows the costs rules and case law better than anyone. His costs advice is sensible and he knows which cases should be taken to a detailed assessment. His advocacy is also excellent.'
James Wibberley1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘James is outstanding, the go-to costs counsel in Bristol and the region. He has outstanding attention to detail and unparalleled knowledge of the relevant law. James’ written advice and advocacy is also excellent.’