Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Timothy Bradbury1
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Tim is at the zenith of the junior Bar; you are getting silk quality in a highly experienced junior. His affable and relaxed manner disguises an extremely acute brain. He is refined, conspicuously well-prepared, and never wrong-footed or out of his depth. His delivery is also measured and sophisticated.’ 
Mary Cowe1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Mary is an outstanding advocate who is more than capable of handling the biggest cases. She is excellent at dealing with interventions from judges and charming with juries.'
David Scutt1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘David is a robust advocate who shows no fear and is relentless in the fight. His preparation is meticulous and he grasps vast quantities of evidence and distils the salient points for lay clients, including those with significant vulnerabilities. His advocacy style draws in the jury and has them nodding along with every word.’
Mark Worsley1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Mark is a high-class criminal barrister. He is a clever and persuasive advocate who thinks hard about the law and deploys it with fine judgement. He is probably the pre-eminent criminal junior in Bristol now.’
Chambers of Geoffrey Mercer KC
‘Dan has an unusual gravitas: it is clear to the jury when he speaks how important it is that they listen to what he says. His economy of expression is noticeable in both his drafting and his advocacy and his command of some of the most challenging areas of the criminal law is obvious. He is a very fine practitioner.’ 
Michael Brown2
Chambers of Deni Mathews
‘A compelling and charismatic advocate who can adapt to every professional and lay client. He is able to explain the most complex points in understandable and relatable language and builds relationships with lay clients from any walk of life.'
Thomas Evans2
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Tom is one of the finest young barristers around with a very good future ahead of him. He has masses of common sense and gets to the nub of cases very quickly. He is highly intelligent, a very effective advocate, and judges like him.' 
Albion Chambers
‘Edward is forensically brilliant, with a keen eye for detail and an incredible ability to digest the most complex of material. His tactical ability is unrivalled and in court he is personable and approaches judges and juries with a well measured and persuasive humour. He is the epitome of the modern day jury barrister.' 
Richard Onslow2
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Richard is a formidable advocate with a very engaging and effective presence in court. He is liked by judges and juries and fights for his clients with vigour. He is well respected by all on circuit - and perhaps best known for his no-nonsense approach.' 
Ramin Pakrooh2
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Ramin is an outstanding advocate; highly original, compelling and extremely effective at bringing a clear perspective to a case with his unique powers of analysis. A very bright star.'
Albion Chambers
‘Charley is highly intelligent and insightful. She combines great empathy and understanding with determination and a will to succeed. She is a charismatic and appealing advocate to whom judges are drawn.'
Ali Rafati2
Chambers of Deni Mathews
‘Ali is a formidable trial advocate and a standout barrister in his field in the South West. He is particularly effective in cross-examination of witnesses at trial and in closing speeches to the jury. His knowledge of the law and application to any case is second to none.'
Albion Chambers
‘Sarah is always fantastically well-prepared. Her grasp of the intimate detail of any case is staggeringly good; she is a master of detail.'
Mark Ruffell2
Chambers of Oba Nsugbe KC
‘Mark is one of the most fastidious lawyers in the criminal courts. His preparation is unfailingly rigorous, insightful and fair. He is calm, friendly and perfectly easy to work with and his advocacy is always considered, forceful and compelling.'
Chambers of Jason Beal
'Jason's attention to detail and case preparation is outstanding. He is a safe pair of hands for the most complex of cases.'   
Thomas Acworth3
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Thomas is an extremely diligent practitioner with an extraordinary eye for detail and his knowledge is genuinely astounding. No stone is left unturned in his preparation and his advocacy is equally impressive.'
Samuel Jones3
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Sam has a natural charisma which transmits itself to his style of advocacy. He has built up a practice which for his level of call is second to none.' 
Nicholas Lewin3
Chambers of Deni Mathews
‘Nick is a brilliant barrister; he is tenacious and will go above and beyond what you might expect of counsel. He is also a big personality and clients love his directness and sense of humour.'
Albion Chambers
'Emma has a warm and engaging advocacy style, which is persuasive with both juries and judges. She is very sympathetic so always gets the best out of vulnerable witnesses or defendants.' 
Jodie Mittell3
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Jodie is meticulous in her preparation. She leaves no stone unturned and excels at developing her case strategy. Jodie gains the confidence of clients with ease and is widely liked and respected.'
Berenice Mulvanny3
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘The combination of skill, hard work and compassion which Berenice brings has earned her an excellent reputation amongst instructing solicitors, colleagues and judges alike. Her tactical approach means that she is regularly entrusted with cases of the most difficult nature.’ 
Albion Chambers
 'Rupert is adept at thinking on his feet and has an in-depth knowledge of his cases so he can give a swift yet considered response to everything that arises. He has an assured manner in court which both judges and juries find persuasive.'
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Gemma is a diligent and extremely capable barrister. Whether prosecuting or defending, she is particularly adept at dealing with cases of the utmost sensitivity. She is always on top of her brief and combines intellect with a common sense approach.'
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
 'Chloe is developing a very effective advocacy style and gaining in confidence hugely. She is clever, thoughtful and cuts to the heart of things. She works very hard, has a great grasp of detail, and brings an interesting, fresh perspective to cases.'