Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Albion Chambers
‘David’s advocacy is very good. He is able to turn off his criminal advocate demeanour and conduct himself in a way that is respectful of the deceased’s family. David is also very good at making submissions and questioning witnesses in a way that benefits the client.’ 
Albion Chambers
‘Alex has an extraordinary ability not to be fazed by anything which is unexpected; he glides above it all like a swan. His advocacy is concise and clear. He is also fantastic at analysing documentation and evidence and has an ability to get to the heart of a problem.’ 
Richard Wheeler
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Richard is excellent at inquest work. He is a tenacious advocate but is also very intuitive and can read a coroner well in order to adapt his approach. He is excellent with clients and extremely personable, which is so crucial in inquest work. Richard is always fully prepared and readily grasps the key points in any inquest.’ 
Emma Zeb
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Emma is incredibly thorough. She thinks things through very carefully and always presents sound and reasoned advice. She is an excellent advocate, presenting her cases very clearly and succinctly whilst not missing any of the detail. She is also able to think on her feet and adapt her style according to how the case is progressing.’