Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Mark Lomas1
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Mark is a senior junior with incredible knowledge and skill. He has one of the brightest minds around and is always quick to see issues. His particular strengths lie with schedules of loss and medical evidence.' 
Andrew Mclaughlin1
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Andrew is excellent at drafting erudite defences and counter schedules. He is adept at probing cross-examination of witnesses at trial and putting forward complex cases in a straightforward fashion. He has in-depth medical knowledge and is a masterful tactician in mediations and without prejudice settlement meetings.’ 
Oliver Moore1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘He is always well-prepared and has an accurate grasp of complex issues. He has an excellent rapport with clients who he puts quickly at ease. He is also an accomplished advocate in court.’
Anthony Reddiford1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Anthony has a great analytical approach to cases. He is very skilled and also very approachable. He is always willing to talk through complex issues and can see things from every potential angle.' 
Matthew White1
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Matthew has an incredible attention to detail. He is meticulous in his planning and written work and his persuasively balanced but no-nonsense approach makes him an exceptional advocate.’
Emma Zeb1
Gatehouse Chambers
'Emma is a technically excellent barrister with a good knowledge of the law and of complex medical conditions. She has an eye for detail and a forensic approach to assessing evidence. She provides clear and practical advice on claims.'
James Bentley2
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘James combines comprehensive and acute knowledge with an ability to comment and advise on complicated issues in very understandable way. He also exercises commercial pragmatism and has a pleasing manner.' 
Gabriel Farmer2
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Gabriel is extremely thorough and has excellent drafting skills. He gets to the crux of a case quickly and is adept at analysing the evidence. Gabriel is also excellent with clients, experts and witnesses.'
Adam Gadd2
Chambers of Oba Nsugbe KC
‘Adam is a patient and thoughtful advocate with a tremendous court presence. His organisation is sound, which allows him to deploy his impressive analytical abilities, particularly of complex, expert evidence.'
Ben Handy2
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Ben combines a forensic approach to the evidence whilst taking into account broader issues in a case. He provides excellent advice on strategy and is a reliable and reassuring presence. He is also a resourceful and highly adaptable advocate.' 
Martin Lanchester2
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Martin is extremely perceptive; he considers papers very thoroughly before providing comprehensive advice of a high quality. He has an in-depth knowledge of the law and is always well prepared for conferences and court appearances. Perhaps his greatest strength is his ability to bond with clients.' 
James Marwick2
Chambers of Matthew White
‘James is an extremely gifted advocate, which also comes from thorough preparation. He is empathetic and cares about his clients. He also does not shy away from giving an opinion, either in person, on an ad hoc basis or on paper.'
Chambers of Charles Row KC
‘Joanna is personable and approachable. She provides thorough, well-researched and detailed advice and is particularly capable at explaining matters to clients in a way that they can understand.'
Jimmy Barber3
Chambers of Matthew White
'Jimmy is wise beyond his years and call and is exceptionally detailed and thorough in the advice that he gives. He very quickly sees the issues in a case and his advocacy skills are second to none.' 
James Hughes3
Chambers of Matthew White
‘James is extremely personable and communicates well with those instructing and clients alike. He has good technical knowledge and his advocacy and courtroom presence are impressive.'
Darren Lewis3
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Darren has very keen eye for detail and his pleadings are succinct and robust. He is an excellent advocate and in cross-examination he is thorough.'
Oliver Manley3
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Oliver is really good at getting to the heart of the key issues in a case quickly. He is always thoroughly prepared and his written advice detailed. He is very good with clients and is a very impressive advocate.'
Kriti Upadhyay3
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Kriti is exceptionally well prepared, enthusiastic and empathetic. Her attention to detail is apparent in her questioning of witnesses and well-considered submissions.' 
Tom Webb3
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Tom is an exceptional personal injury barrister. He is extremely knowledgeable and couples a pragmatic and constructive approach with forceful and well-reasoned advocacy. He is also well liked by clients and is very empathetic.'
Richard Wheeler3
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Richard is probably one of the best all round barristers around. Both his advocacy and paper work is exceptional. He is excellent with clients and extremely personable, which is so crucial in claims involving serious injury work.'