Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
St John’s Chambers
‘Timothy is very personable and cuts to the heart of each issue very quickly. He comes very well-prepared and in advocacy is never fazed by the fight and can ruffle feathers when he needs to. He can also bring inspectors and witnesses gently along with him when setting up a position.’ 
Six Pump Court
‘Brendon understand complex incidents and infrastructure quickly and handles with ease difficult and voluminous cases. He has excellent people skills as well as an encyclopedic knowledge of environmental law, especially waste and large water company cases. In court he is calm but incisive and tenacious – a future silk.’ 
St John’s Chambers
 ‘Harry is incredibly clear and very quickly able to get his point across. It is immediately obvious that he has prepared in depth for conferences and knows the material relevant to his instruction inside out.'
'William is very experienced and knowledgeable in this area of law. He has good management skills in a public inquiry setting and communicates readily and clearly with all parties. His reports and recommendations are also extremely detailed and thorough.'
Guildhall Chambers
'Sam is focussed, determined and formidable. His advocacy is hallmarked by excellent preparation and he makes his points in a convincing and balanced style that is hugely persuasive.'