Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
John Dickinson
John Dickinson
St John’s Chambers
‘John has a rare cross-discipline of law and accountancy, which is invaluable. He is thorough in his analysis and crystal-clear in his explanations.  He is also decisive, accurate and completely dependable. Moreover, he is easy to talk to and very supportive.’ 
Jay Jagasia
Jay Jagasia
Guildhall Chambers
‘Jay is able to quickly get to grips with complex factual situations and provide thorough and commercial advice. His drafting is detailed and powerful and he is excellent in conferences with clients. Jay’s preparation is meticulous and this shows on paper, in conferences and in court. On his feet he is fantastic and is robust in cross-examinations and detailed when dealing with intervention and submissions.’
James Pearce-Smith
James Pearce-Smith
St John’s Chambers
‘James is a fantastic advocate. His approach to cross-examination is particularly impressive in that he comes across at first as extremely polite and courteous, which lulls witnesses into a false sense of security, and he then sets about pulling their testimony methodically apart.’ 
Richard Whitehouse
Richard Whitehouse
‘He is able to put legal advice in a commercial context for clients and is good at making complex legal academic points clear and easy to understand.' 
Joss Knight
Joss Knight
St John’s Chambers
‘Joss is an all-round excellent barrister. He is socially, emotionally and academically intelligent.' 
Oliver Manley
Oliver Manley
Guildhall Chambers
John Virgo
John Virgo
Guildhall Chambers
James Wibberley
James Wibberley
Guildhall Chambers
‘James is insightful and incisive and turns around exceptionally high-quality work extraordinarily quickly. He is a brilliant strategist and quickly gets to the heart of the weaknesses in the other side’s position and is also a ruthless advocate.’