Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Charles Auld1
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Charles is a very robust and creative advocate. He is first-class both in conference and on paper. He boasts an encyclopedic knowledge of property law and is a very effective property litigator.’ 
William Batstone1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘William is always very thorough in his research and in the resulting advice. This linked with a good commercial awareness means that he knows what to focus on to get the best for clients. His advocacy is also  excellent.' 
Rawdon Crozier1
Chambers of Deni Mathews
‘Rawdon has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things property. He is a good advocate and has great client care skills. Rawdon is always able to identify the most practical solution.'
Jay Jagasia1
Chambers of Anna Vigars KC
‘Jay is able to quickly get to grips with complex factual situations and provide thorough and commercial advice. On his feet he is fantastic, robust in cross-examinations and detailed when dealing with intervention and submissions.' 
Adam Boyle2
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Adam is a confident advocate and his skills far exceed his year of call, putting him on a par with those more senior than him and way above his peers of similar call and experience.'  
Matthew Cannings2
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Matthew is very personable and has good relations with clients. He grasps issues quickly and advocates clearly,  precisely and persuasively, keeping to the relevant issues.' 
Paul Newman2
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘As an advocate, Paul is charming, persuasive and has that all-important gravitas. He frequently finds an ingenious argument that his peers have not even considered.'
Chambers of David Berkley KC
‘Robert has the ability to boil down huge amounts of information on to a single sheet of paper. He has a great deal of compassion for his clients but is very robust with opponents.'
Oliver Wooding2
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Oliver is a highly skilled barrister whose skill and expertise is evident on every instruction. In addition to his impressive breadth of knowledge, he is incredibly skilled in interacting with clients.' 
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Brittany Pearce
Chambers of Matthew White
‘Brittany is very pragmatic and robust in her approach. She can think on her feet and does not shy away from situations which are sprung on her at the last moment.'
Daniel Soar
Chambers of Matthew White
'Dan is exceptionally user friendly and he has a knack for providing commercial and practical advice, delivered in an understandable manner. He is technically strong and will find solutions, even in complex circumstances.'