Leading Silks
Jonathan Adkin KC
Serle Court
‘Jonathan is an incredibly effective advocate, unflappable in court, and develops a strong rapport with the bench.’
David Allison KC
South Square
‘David is a phenomenal advocate who instantly commands the respect of the bench. He masters the details but never fails to see the bigger picture.’
Richard Boulton KC
One Essex Court
 ‘Richard is absolutely excellent, and is unrivalled when cross-examining leading valuation experts.'
David Chivers KC
Erskine Chambers
'David possesses a fantastic combination of top-tier advocacy skills, elite insolvency expertise, and an amazing work ethic. He is extremely pleasant, hyper-intelligent and unflappable.’
Jonathan Crow KC
4 Stone Buildings
 ‘Jonathan is a fantastic barrister and a great person to work with. For leading a team on large, complex cases, you would struggle to do better.’
Justin Fenwick KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘Justin is a doyen of the Bar. One of the most compelling advocates.’
Matthew Hardwick KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘He rolls up his sleeves and does all of the work in preparing for each trial, and knows the issues and facts intimately. Most importantly, he can turn a seemingly hopeless situation into a winning situation and is always willing to go to the ends of the earth for the client in trying to achieve victory.’
Barry Isaacs KC
South Square
‘Barry is second-to-none at dealing with technical financial issues, particularly in respect of complex business valuations. His cross-examination is superbly incisive, and his written and oral advocacy is always perfectly measured and to the point.’
Elizabeth Jones KC
Serle Court
David Lord KC
Three Stone
‘David gains the ear of the court easily. A masterful tactician and cross examiner, yet possesses a relaxed and very user-friendly manner.’
Thomas Lowe KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Thomas’ experience and knowledge of offshore jurisprudence is second-to-none. He is an extremely articulate and engaging advocate.'
Hodge Malek KC
3 Verulam Buildings
 ‘Hodge is truly excellent. He is completely unflappable, calm and focused, he can analyse huge amounts of information very quickly, and he guides the client to the best result.’
Philip Marshall KC
Serle Court
‘Philip has fantastic knowledge of a very wide range of legal matters, and brings all that knowledge to get to the nub of complex issues.’
Paul McGrath KC
Essex Court Chambers
Richard Morgan KC
Maitland Chambers
‘Richard is one of the best advocates. He has a really excellent manner with the court and a keen eye for the weaknesses in the other side’s case.’
Stephen Moverley Smith KC
XXIV Old Buildings
 ‘Stephen’s decades of experience operating in offshore jurisdictions makes him a go-to choice for high-value disputes.'
David Quest KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘David is a highly effective and ultra-prepared advocate who reads a courtroom very well. He has an admirable ability to digest and synthesise huge amounts of complicated information very quickly.'
Hefin Rees KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Hefin has a significant presence in the Eastern Caribbean jurisdictions and a terrific rapport with the local judges.’
Tom Smith KC
South Square
‘One of the leading insolvency-focused silks. He’s responsive, commercial, thoughtful and strategic in his thinking.’
Clare Stanley KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Clare is a fabulous courtroom advocate and it is a joy to watch her perform. She is relentless and fights her client’s corner like a tiger.'
John Wardell KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘A dedicated advocate who is always prepared to think outside of the box.’
David Alexander KC
South Square
 ‘David is personable, very responsive and a favourite with clients. He is bright and prepared and a real team player, and he responds well on his feet.’
Stephen Atherton KC
Twenty Essex
David Brownbill KC
XXIV Old Buildings
 ‘David is very knowledgeable and very user-friendly.’
Graham Chapman KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘Graham is a top-class advocate, in command of his brief and the pertinent facts, and able to find a persuasive tone before even the most challenging tribunals.'
Simon Davenport KC
4 Pump Court
‘Simon is a detailed and analytical advocate.'
Edward Davies KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Edward is extremely commercial, and has an exceptional ability to distill to the smallest detail on which the case often rests.'
Anneliese Day KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Anneliese is a formidable opponent with a commanding advocacy style which is obviously underpinned by a phenomenal amount of preparation and strategy. When she speaks, the court as a whole really listens, as she’s simply compelling.’
Vernon Flynn KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Vernon is a powerful advocate who is great to have in your corner in the toughest of cases. He combines a spectacular ability on his feet with an incisive mind and a commercial approach, and he is definitely the silk for those big-ticket bruising battles where no punches are pulled.’
Jonathan Harris KC
Serle Court
 ‘Jonathan’s expertise in private international law and cross-border issues is unparalleled. He is spectacularly bright with a superb ability to distil very complex law into comprehensible advice, and if he is on your side you know you are getting the right advice.’
Mark Howard KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Mark’s advocacy is superb.'
Robert Levy KC
Three Stone
 ‘Robert is a fantastic silk who embraces the art of being a thoughtful strategist, a tenacious advocate and a true team player who effortlessly forms part of the wider legal team without any pomp or arrogance.’
John Machell KC
Serle Court
Ewan McQuater KC
3 Verulam Buildings
Jern-Fei Ng KC
‘Jern-Fei is a strategist, and a very strong advocate who is good at delivering his submissions in an organised manner.’
Daniel Saoul KC
4 New Square Chambers
 ‘Daniel approaches each case with a meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect is thoroughly examined and addressed. His analytical skills are complemented by his ability to think creatively and devise innovative solutions to complex legal challenges.’
Mohinderpal Sethi KC
Littleton Chambers
‘Mohinderpal is a phenomenal barrister: intelligent and never fazed by any issue. He is someone who thinks very quickly on his feet and can navigate a matter with extraordinary precision and calmness.’
Bankim Thanki KC
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Bankim is an outstanding advocate with an appealing manner that judges respond to. He is also calm and reassuring to clients, who are confident entrusting him with the most complex cases.’
Michael Todd KC
Erskine Chambers
'For difficult cases on complex points of law and before appellate courts in particular, he is a natural choice whom teams and clients alike love.’
Felicity Toube KC
South Square
‘You cannot say enough good things about Felicity. She is exceptionally sharp, quick-witted, and responsive, and her writing and advocacy style is clear, forceful, and succinct.'
Francis Tregear KC
XXIV Old Buildings
Ben Valentin KC
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Ben is a joy to work with. A superb advocate who provides top-quality advice, is unflappable under pressure, and provides the kind of leadership that is the hallmark of only the best silks.’
Adrian Beltrami KC
3 Verulam Buildings
Christopher Boardman KC
Radcliffe Chambers
George Bompas KC
4 Stone Buildings
Aidan Casey KC
33 Chancery Lane
  ‘Aidan has an excellent communication style, providing clients with not only outstanding advice but in a manner which is easily understandable. Always calm and very quick to spot options in difficult situations.’
Alain Choo Choy KC
One Essex Court
‘Alain is a delight to work with. Supremely intelligent, great judgement, and a very skillful advocate.’
Edward Cumming KC
XXIV Old Buildings
Jasbir Dhillon KC
Brick Court Chambers
Richard Fisher KC
South Square
 ‘Richard’s strengths include well-structured submissions and clarity of advocacy, good at thinking on his feet, and reads the court well. He is treated with respect by judges and opponents.’
Ben Hubble KC
4 New Square Chambers
 ‘Ben is an extremely user-friendly, strategic, careful and considered silk who leads teams with a very sophisticated modern style which involves everyone, and gets the best out of all. His courtroom advocacy is winningly measured and well-judged, judges trust him and his submissions quickly, and clients love his naturally charming bedside manner in conference.’
Graeme McPherson KC
4 New Square Chambers
 ‘Graeme is brilliant. Judges really listen to him, his strategic guidance has been invaluable, and he is an excellent advocate.’
Stephen Midwinter KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Stephen is a superb commercial silk. He is an extremely able barrister, and while he can think laterally when appropriate, he is excellent and distilling and arguing his main points in an attractive, concise and persuasive style.’
Richard Millett KC
Essex Court Chambers
Tom Montagu-Smith KC
3 Verulam Buildings
Terence Mowschenson KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Terence is vastly experienced. Clients really appreciate how hard-working he is and judges really listen to what he has to say.’
Thomas Roe KC
3 Hare Court
‘Thomas is excellent, extremely responsive and provides strategic, carefully considered and commercially astute advice. He is driven to achieve the best result for the client and works very hard for it.’
Stephen Rubin KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Stephen has long been one of the best-known silks of complex civil fraud work. A natural born advocate, cross-examiner, and strategist, with an uncanny feel for the right strategy, and critically how to tailor it according to the twists and turns of a case.’
Simon Salzedo KC
Brick Court Chambers
 ‘Simon has an incredibly strong grasp of detailed and complex valuation issues and knows how to present them. An incredibly effective cross examiner, particularly in relation to these issues, and his written work is of the highest quality. Incredibly user friendly.’
Steven Thompson KC
XXIV Old Buildings
 ‘Steven is an outstanding advocate with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law. He is very hands-on and great with clients.’
Andrew Ayres KC
Twenty Essex
‘Andrew is a wonderful barrister with a very measured and effective style of advocacy. He delivers quality results every time.’
Daniel Bayfield KC
South Square
 ‘Daniel has an enviable ability to communicate complex legal and factual arguments in an engaging and pithy manner. He is also extremely charming and a pleasure to work with.’
Tony Beswetherick KC
Twenty Essex
‘Tony is a well-regarded silk. His advocacy skills are matched with an in-depth knowledge of his subject, and he gives well-thought-out and well-articulated advice.’
Hermann Boeddinghaus KC
4 Stone Buildings
Paul Chaisty KC
Serle Court
‘Paul approaches matters in a deeply methodical way, and he balances measured consideration with forceful arguments. He commands the attention of the court.’
Matthew Collings KC
Maitland Chambers
‘Matthew has razor sharp advocacy skills, and possesses a formidable presence and gravitas in the courtroom. This is somebody that you want on your team.’
Timothy Collingwood KC
Serle Court
‘Timothy is detail-focused and reads everything. He is an expert on the law regarding shareholder rights and remedies, and he is a very skilled advocate, excellent on his feet.'
Glen Davis KC
South Square
‘Glen is extremely bright, very pleasant to work with, extremely hands-on and detail-oriented, and very user friendly.’
Orlando Fraser KC
4 Stone Buildings
Jeremy Goldring KC
South Square
‘Jeremy is a compelling advocate who builds an excellent rapport with the judge.’
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Thomas is a fantastic advocate.'
Charles Hollander KC
Brick Court Chambers
Timothy Howe KC
Fountain Court Chambers
Blair Leahy KC
Twenty Essex
‘Blair is a brilliant barrister and advocate, and someone you want on your team. She has a great mind and is able to assist with navigating the most complex and difficult situations with ease.’
Paul Lowenstein KC
Twenty Essex
‘Paul is an extremely experienced and talented barrister. He is very thorough in analysing and preparing his cases.'
Bridget Lucas KC
Fountain Court Chambers
Duncan Matthews KC
Twenty Essex
‘Duncan is a superb, persuasive advocate. He commands the courtroom: when he speaks, everyone listens. His preparation is immaculate, and his delivery is tremendous.’
James Morgan KC
Radcliffe Chambers
David Mumford KC
Maitland Chambers
‘David’s careful analytical approach brings clarity to complex situations. His measured advocacy style oozes credibility.’
Pavlos Panayi KC
Lord Pannick KC
Blackstone Chambers
Christopher Parker KC
Maitland Chambers
‘Christopher is exceptional in complex company matters.’
Mark Phillips KC
South Square
‘Mark is a heavy-hitting and persuasive advocate, and really gets stuck in to a case.’
Rajesh Pillai KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Rajesh is a smooth but forceful advocate. A great blend of commercial nous combined with forensic analysis.’
Tom Poole KC
3 Hare Court
  ‘Tom is one of the most user-friendly barristers. He is super responsive, excellent with clients and tactically astute.’
Alex Potts KC
4 Pump Court
‘Alex is a very committed silk, working successfully across an impressive range of offshore and commercial areas, fearless in court, and not afraid to stand up to a difficult judge and defend his client’s interests.’
Charles Samek KC
Littleton Chambers
 ‘Charles is the man you want with you in a fight- wholly committed, tactically astute, and extremely focused on getting the right result, even in very challenging circumstances. His advocacy is always clear, measured, and very precisely targeted.’
Adam Solomon KC
Littleton Chambers
‘Adam is an excellent commercial litigator, with an attractive but determined advocacy style. He is charming and works extremely diligently on his cases, which shows in his results.'
George Spalton KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘George is excellent on his feet and a delight to work with.’
Robert Weekes KC
Blackstone Chambers
Andrew Westwood KC
Maitland Chambers
 ‘Andrew is first-rate. He has an attractively concise advocacy style, and does not miss a point.’
Andrew Wheeler KC
 ‘Andrew is very perceptive and strategically astute, and he tends to see round corners and spot the thorny problems ahead of time, and find a way to avoid them. As an advocate he is understated and calm, and judges and juries like him and trust him.’
James Willan KC
Essex Court Chambers
2023 Silks
Adam Cloherty KC
XXIV Old Buildings
Alexander Cook KC
4 Stone Buildings
 ‘Alex is one of the best barristers you could ever work with. He is incredibly diligent, displays great creative thinking, and he is also phenomenal with clients, adapting to each one’s individual needs.’
2024 Silks
Adam Al-Attar KC
South Square
‘Adam has encyclopaedic knowledge of restructuring cases. He inspires absolute confidence in his reasoning and is a very persuasive advocate.’