New RBI IT Outsourcing Directions & Key Takeaways for Fintech Agreements

On April 10th, 2023 Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) issued fresh directions to financial institutions (also referred to as “Regulated Entities”/ “REs”), concerning outsourcing of information technology (“IT”) services and IT-enabled services (“ITeS”) to third-party service providers (whether or not belonging to the same group of companies as that of the financial institution), titled the …

Navigating the Latest Changes to RBI KYC Guidelines: An Easy-to-Read Summary

1. What is the revised standard for the Identification of Beneficial Owners under the Master Direction (MD) – KYC?


Our senior partner Selma Unlu participated in the virtual conference PHARMA & BIOTECH PATENT LITIGATION IN EUROPE as a speaker.

Our partner Bilge Derinbay has participated in the virtual conference #TPN2022 as a speaker on March 9-10

Our partner Bilge Derinbay was delighted to speak at the virtual conference #TPN2022 on March 9-10, 2022!

The Regulation on Digital Banking and Banking as a Service (BaaS) is Published

The Regulation on Operating Principles of Digital Banks and Banking as a Service (“Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette dated 29.12.2021 numbered 31704 and became effective as of 01.01.2022.

How do NFTs work under Turkish Copyright Law? 17.05.2022

As we addressed in a previous article, Non-Fungible Tokens (“NFTs”) are unique assets that have emerged following the rapid development of digitalization and they have attracted the world’s attention,

Termination of the Employment by Getting WhatsApp Correspondence is a Violation of Private Life

With the decision (“Decision”) published by the Turkish Constitutional Court on 11.02.2022, it was ruled that the employer’s termination of the employee’s employment contract on the grounds of WhatsApp correspondence has violated the employee’s “Right to Freedom of Communication” and “Respect for Private Life”.

Legislative Proposal for Social Media Complaints and Cyber Crimes

The legislative proposal dated February 02, 2022 which envisages amendments to the Turkish Penal Code (“TPC”) and the Code No. 5651 on Regulation of Broadcasts via Internet and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcast was published on the website of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (“TBMM”).

The Decision of the Constitutional Court on Shift Tracking with Fingerprint Recording System

With the decision (“Decision”) dated 10.03.2022 and application numbered 2018/11988, published in the Official Gazette dated 19.04.2022 and numbered 31814, in the case of the employee is tracked by using the fingerprint recording system, the Turkish Constitutional Court has evaluated whether the use of fingerprint complies with legal regulations and has reached a conclusion that …

The Decision of the Constitutional Court on Overtime Pay and the Right to Property

With the Decision (“Decision”) dated 22.02.2022 and application numbered 2019/1450, published in the Official Gazette dated 05.04.2022 and numbered 31800, in the case of non-payment of overtime pay of an employee, the Turkish Constitutional Court has reached a conclusion according to whether the overtime has been worked in accordance with the legal regulations, that the …