Benelux firm AKD appoints partners: Passing the baton to the next generation

AKD Benelux lawyers has appointed five new partners, four of them “home-grown”, managing partner Erwin Rademakers clarifies. “It gives immense pleasure to see colleagues developing and, as next-generation partners, contributing to building the future of our firm.” 

AKD continues to expand in Brussels: Julien Hick appointed employment law partner

AKD Benelux lawyers is delighted to announce the appointment of Julien Hick as partner in Brussels.

Yann Hilpert appointed partner at AKD in Luxembourg

AKD Benelux lawyers is delighted to announce the appointment of Yann Hilpert as partner in Luxembourg.

Conny Staudt takes on partnership at AKD Benelux lawyers, “back to her roots”

Pieter Huys, who leads the team, comments: “We are thrilled to welcome Conny at AKD. Coming at a time where flexible employment has become a hot topic, her expertise in this field neatly complements our own expertise. Earlier this year, the Balanced Labour Market Act (Wet Arbeidsmarkt in Balans) came into force, the purpose of …

AKD adds six new partners to Benelux footprint

AKD has appointed six new partners in Belgium and the Netherlands. Following the appointment of three new partners in Luxembourg earlier this year, AKD thus further increases its Benelux footprint.

Benelux law firm AKD expands with McGuireWoods’ Brussels team

Benelux law firm AKD expands its Brussels office by adding McGuireWoods’ Brussels team, following AKD’s strategy to be the first choice full-service legal and tax services provider in the Benelux. The incoming team consists of partners Hubert André-Dumont, Paul van den Bulck, Timothy Speelman, Steven Ongena, counsel Pol Cools, and four associates.