Apple case

The Firm recently advised Apple on Data Protection Law.

Nokia Case

The Firm recently advised Nokia Phones on the change in regulations in Pakistan on manufacture of cellphones.

Bär & Karrer Advised OiOiOi in Pre-Seed Financing Round

OiOiOi Ltd. has successfully raised its first Pre-Seed financing round. The Swiss Startup offers a circular infant clothing rental service for parents.

Bär & Karrer Advises the Shareholder on the Sale of Home Service

Zurich, 28 June 2022 The shareholder of Home Service has sold his shares to Investis Holding. Home Service is a Swiss based company active in the facility service sector. Bär & Karrer acted as legal advisor to the shareholder of Home Service. The team included Christoph Neeracher, Philippe Seiler, Thomas Rohde and Luca Tarzia (all …

Yousaf Amanat & Associates advised Apple on Data Protection Law

The Firm recently advised Apple on Data Protection Law. The advice was provided in conjunction with the Law Firm Herbert Smith Freehills. Pakistan at present does not have a specific Data Protection Law however the law in Pakistan which provides against cyber-crime Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 also to a large extent caters to Data Protection. The Firm has …

L&L Partners announces reconstitution of its Executive Committee

The Firm is delighted to announce reconstitution of its Executive Committee (EC), whose vision is to steer the Firm’s GST – Growth, Strategy and Talent.

Raue Advises VALUES Real Estate on two Real Estate Acquisitions

Raue advised VALUES Real Estate on the acquisition of an office building with the Hilden Job Centre as main tenant for its VALUES Public Sector fund. The seller of the property is Auric Investment. Raue also advised VALUES Real Estate on the acquisition of a kindergarten for the institutional daycare fund VALUES Daycare Invest.

Raue berät VALUES Real Estate bei zwei Immobilienankäufen

Raue hat VALUES Real Estate beim Erwerb eine Bürogebäudes mit dem Jobcenter Hilden als Hauptmieter für seinen Fonds VALUES Public Sector beraten. Verkäufer der Immobilie ist Auric Investment. Daneben beriet Raue VALUES Real Estate beim Ankauf einer Kindertagesstätte für den institutionellen Kita-Fonds VALUES Daycare Invest.

Raue Advises Hydrogen Company HH2E AG on Financing Round

Raue comprehensively advised the Hamburg-based hydrogen company HH2E AG on an equity financing. With HydrogenOne and Foresight, two private equity investors are taking a stake in the green energy company HH2E. The HH2E founders and board members retain the majority of the shares.

Raue berät Wasserstoff-Unternehmen HH2E AG bei Finanzierungsrunde

Raue hat das Hamburger Wasserstoffunternehmen HH2E AG umfassend bei einer Finanzierungsrunde beraten. Mit HydrogenOne und Foresight beteiligen sich zwei Private Equity-Investoren an dem grünen Energieunternehmen. Die HH2E-Gründer und Vorstandsmitglieder halten weiter die Mehrheit der Aktien.