Raue berät Technologie-Startup Tau bei Series A-Finanzierung durch Altana Gruppe

Berlin, 24. März 2020 – Raue hat das in Turin ansässige Technologie-Startup Tau, ein Spezialist für Elektroisolierstoffe, bei seiner Series A Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 4,5 Millionen Euro, bei der der deutsche Spezialchemie-Hersteller Altana eingestiegen ist, beraten.

Raue Advises Technology Start-up Tau on Series A-Financing by Altana Group

Berlin, 24. März 2020 – Raue comprehensively advised Tau, the Turin-based e-mobility and advanced materials venture, on its Series A-financing round led by a EUR 4.5 million investment of German specialty chemicals company Altana.

The coronavirus pandemic and employment law

The coronavirus pandemic is turning employment law on its head. The protective measures – some of which are recommendations and others mandatory in nature – designed to contain and curtail the strain of coronavirus and respiratory disease known as COVID-19, have far-reaching consequences for all aspects of life. Schools and kindergartens have been and remain …

The aftermath of COVID-19 outbreak – Practicing social distancing during AGMS of listed companies

Introduction As the negative consequences of COVID-19 continue to expand, companies are facing various demanding challenges, one of them being related to the organisation of the Annual General Meetings of the Shareholders (“AGMS”).

COVID-19: Real Estate market implications. Particular insights into Lease Agreements

1. Introductory aspects Since its outbreak in November, 2019 in China, COVID-19 has rapidly spread across Europe, the general opinion being that the peak is yet to come. The aggressive rate of spreading of COVID-19 has marked the financial markets, which now indicate a decrease of the earnings expectations.

State aid amid COVID-19 outbreak

PNSA COVID-19 Legal Response Team

COVID-19: Arbitration – Where to?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the globe and virtually all sectors have had to adapt to an increasingly contact-free environment. The world of arbitration is no exception, and in the past weeks we have seen a series of adjustments and solutions targeted at both safeguarding the health of participants and preserving the continuity of the …

Coronavirus & competition. Breach of Competition Law? “Price gouging” or not?

First one: Coronavirus & competition – any potential link?

LG Berlin: Reference must be made to GmbH’s legal form

A company’s legal form as a GmbH is a key piece of information for consumers. Withholding information from advertisements about its legal form constitutes an antitrust violation according to a ruling of the LG Berlin.

Valeriya Kachura is a new partner at LP Law Firm.

LP Law Firm is pleased to announce the promotion of counsel Valeriya Kachura to a partner of the Bureau as of March 2, 2020.