Illegal price rigging – Bundeskartellamt imposes fines totaling 154.6 million euros

Germany’s Federal Cartel Office, the Bundeskartellamt, has imposed fines totaling around 154.6 million euros on seven pesticide wholesalers for entering into illegal, anticompetitive price-fixing arrangements.

azur100 Ranking: Raue zählt zu den Top-Arbeitgebern für Juristen

Raue gehört nach dem jüngst veröffentlichten azur100 Ranking zu den TOP-Arbeitergebern für Juristen in Deutschland und konnte seine Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber auf Platz 42 steigern.

Raue wählt Friedhelm Unverdorben zum Partner und aktualisiert Karrieremodell

Mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar hat Raue Friedhelm Unverdorben zum Partner gewählt. Ebenfalls zum Jahreswechsel werden sieben Senior Associates in die neu geschaffene Position des Counsels befördert. Vier Associates werden zu Senior Associates ernannt.

Raue Elects Friedhelm Unverdorben as Partner and Updates Career Model

With effect from 1 January, Raue elected Friedhelm Unverdorben as partner. In addition, seven senior associates are promoted to the newly created counsel position. Four associates have been appointed senior associates.

azur100 Ranking: Raue is among the Top Employers for Lawyers

According to the recently published azur100 ranking, Raue is one of the TOP employers for lawyers in Germany and was able to move up to the 42nd place.

Antitrust & Competition Law: Medical practice that does not admit inpatients is not a Klinik

A medical practice that does not provide overnight accommodation for patients is not a Klinik and is not allowed to style itself as such. That was the verdict of the Landgericht (LG) Hamburg in a ruling from November 15, 2019 (Az. 315 O 472/18).

BGH – Use of protected seal of approval only allowed in connection with licensing agreement

The use of seals of approval that are protected trademarks is not permitted without corresponding licensing agreements. That was the verdict of Germany’s Federal Supreme Court, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH), on December 12, 2019 (Az.: I ZR 173/16, I ZR 174/16, and I ZR 117/17).

International tax practice SK Group will be represented under the brand of Avidbiz Estonian office

With the recognition of foreign clients and colleagues in the international market of legal services by the expertise of SK Group Law Firm in international tax law, tax planning and business structuring under the leadership of partner Olga Solovyova, it was decided to distinguish tax practice from SK Group as a highly acclaimed branded unit …

21 social loan was granted by WNISEF with Marchenko Partners’ law support

Marchenko Partners have provided legal support to WNISEF within lending two social loans.

Top Tier in Dispute Resolution

We are thrilled that Chambers & Partners Global, one of the world’s leading legal directories, recommends our Firm as a Top Tier firm in Dispute Resolution for its capability of “acting on complex, high-value international and Cypriot disputes involving construction companies, financial institutions and private clients” and its “strength covering debt recovery, international arbitration and …