When Will Gifts And Hospitality Be Considered Corruption?
Overview In Singapore, a country known for its strict anti-corruption laws, it is important for individuals and businesses to understand when gifts and hospitality could be considered corrupt practices.
Voyeurism: The New Section 377BB Offence And Sentencing Guidelines
What is Voyeurism? “Voyeurism” refers to the observation or recording of someone doing a private act without the person’s consent. [1] Some more commonly known types of voyeurism include “up-skirting” and “down-blousing”.
Snapshot: domestic bribery laws in Singapore
The principal anti-corruption statute in Singapore is the Prevention of Corruption Act 1960 (PCA).
Snapshot: asset confiscation in Singapore
Describe the legal framework in relation to confiscation of the proceeds of crime, including how the benefit figure is calculated.
In review: court procedure in Singapore
i Overview of court procedure Singapore’s civil procedure may be found in ROC 2021. An overview of court procedure is helpfully set out in a flowchart in Order 2 Rule 15 of ROC 2021. The flowchart covers matters relating to service, the filing of pleadings and case conferences.
A general introduction to international arbitration in Singapore
INTRODUCTION Singapore has two legal regimes for arbitration: the Arbitration Act 2001 (AA) for domestic arbitrations and the International Arbitration Act 1994 (IAA) for international arbitrations.