Facilitating cross-border data flow in the GBA
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) initiative creates a highly integrated economic and business hub by connecting nine cities in Guangdong province with the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions.
Hong Kong proposes critical infrastructure cybersecurity law
Hong Kong does not have statutory requirements on critical infrastructure cybersecurity.
Background for signing Amendment Agreement II on Trade in Services under CEPA
The HKSAR Government and the Ministry of Commerce signed the Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework of Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (“CEPA”) in November 2015 to basically achieve liberalisation of trade in services between the Mainland and Hong Kong.
Proposed Regulatory Regime for Stablecoin Issuers in Hong Kong: An Overview
Hong Kong is taking significant strides towards establishing a comprehensive regulatory framework for stablecoin issuers.
Hong Kong opens doors to foreign company redomiciliation
The Hong Kong government has announced that it will make a law to enable non-Hong Kong companies to redomicile in Hong Kong.
SEHK revises Corporate Governance Code
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) proposed enhancing corporate governance of its 2,600 listed issuers on the Main Board and GEM in a mid-summer consultation paper titled Review of Corporate Governance Code and Related Listing Rules.
Hong Kong Court of Appeal: No “Issued Share Capital” for UK LLP for Stamp Duty Relief Purpose
Background In 2020, there was a case where John Wiley & Sons UK2 LLP (“UK LLP 2”) (as a transferor) and Wiley International LLC (“US LLC”) (as a transferee),
Regulatory Investigation in Hong Kong
Regulatory investigations in Hong Kong cover enquiries, interviews or raids by regulators or enforcement authorities in relation to corruption, corporate fraud, white-collar crime, breach of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and market misconduct in the securities market governed by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter …
Regulatory Investigation in Hong Kong
Regulatory investigations in Hong Kong cover enquiries, interviews or raids by regulators or enforcement authorities in relation to corruption,
What Hong Kong listed companies need to note when Severe Weather Trading of Hong Kong Securities is implemented
Background Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited announced that, from 23 September 2024 onwards,