Turkey: A Guide to Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program
Developing and establishing an effective anti-money laundering ("AML") compliance program is a requirement for financial institutions in order to combat laundering the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing worldwide. In this article, our aim is to reveal the scope and the significance of developing and establishing AML compliance program in Turkey.
English Language Tests and UK Immigration Deportations
Students who are considered as having intentionally cheated many years ago the passing of their TOEIC English language test, (now scrapped because of the scandal it created), or been a party to the non-disclosure of their tax affairs by producing fraudulent figures to the HMRC and Home Office, risk curtailment of the visas, denied settlement …
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Commission Seeks Feedback on Commitments Offered by Visa and Mastercard.
Commitments offered by Visa and Mastercard on interchange fees being scrutinised by the European Commission.
Update to the Circular addressed to Credit Institutions on the imposition of negative interest rates
News Update: Update to the Circular addressed to Credit Institutions on the imposition of negative interest rates on euro denominated deposits
EU Adopts Regulation Prohibiting Geo-Blocking
The EU has adopted a new Regulation prohibiting unjustified geo-blocking, effective from 3 December 2018.
Employee Share Schemes
Employee Share Schemes. Employee share schemes have not been as widely used in Malta as they have in some of our European neighbours. However, in general, companies use employee share schemes to attract, retain and reward talent by offering their employees a share in the success they help to create in the company. They provide …
Merchant Shipping Directorate issues Non-Convention Vessel Code
Merchant Shipping Directorate issues Non-Convention Vessel Code.
EU Regime on Greener Ship Recycling Enters into Force
EU Regime on Greener Ship Recycling enters into force.
Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention
Amendments to the Family Business Act Come Into Force
Changes to the Family Business Act provide further clarity on the status of family businesses established in Malta.