Antitrust Law Aspects in Ukraine
Ukraine, like other European countries, developing a market economy on their territory, has incorporated antitrust regulations and legal mechanisms in its legislation to regulate and support competition, as well as rules to ensure fair competition. An integral part of the competition control is the control exercised by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine over M&A transactions …
China Passes New Foreign Investment Law
Author: Lyon Dong (Partner) +86.21.5081.9091 [email protected] Charles Stone (Int’l Counsel) +86.21.5081.9091 [email protected] China Passes New Foreign Investment Law April 15, 2019 Foreign investment; cross-border transactions
Arbitration Procedures and Practice in Cyprus overview:
This country-specific Q&A guide provides a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning arbitration in Cyprus, including any mandatory provisions and default rules applicable under local law, confidentiality, local courts' willingness to assist arbitration, enforcement of awards and the available remedies, both final and interim.
Top-Tier Law Firm & Leading Lawyers
Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC is led by exceptional heads of departments who possess great knowledge and expertise. Our firm is a Top Tier Firm in 4 practice areas for the Legal 500…
Confiscation Under Art. 44 Of The Italian Construction Code And Protection Of Third Parties
The confiscation measure examined in this essay is provided for in Article 44 § 2 of Presidential Decree no. 380/2001 (hereinafter, “Construction Code”), under the heading “Criminal sanctions”. Article 44 § 2 states: “In a final judgement establishing that there has been unlawful site development, the criminal court shall order the confiscation of the unlawfully …
The Way Forward: Gender Neutrality and Gender Inclusion
The principle of equality between men and women is a fundamental value constantly on the European Union’s agenda. Ample EU institutes, programmes, and legislation provide for gender equality, and case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) reaffirms the progress made in this respect. On a member state level, the enactment …
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Immigration Status of British Citizens Resident in Malta
On the 9th of April 2019 the Immigration Status of British Citizens Resident in Malta on the Withdrawal Date of the United Kingdom from the European Union Regulations, 2019 (“Regulations”) were published.
Foyen recruits HR manager from Landshypotek Bank
Foyen Advokatfirma has recruited Landshypotek Bank’s former HR manager Annelie von Dahn as its new HR manager. Annelie will be responsible for developing Foyen’s operations through its human capital and will serve in the firm’s management group, writes Foyen in a press release.
Ordinance on Integrity and Transparency in the Therapeutic Products Sector has been adopted
Click here for more information.
Bär & Karrer Advises B3i in its Current Equity Funding Round
Industry-led InsurTech B3i Services AG successfully raised additional funds from current shareholders and new investors to further develop and grow its blockchain-based insurance transaction platform. B3i was founded in October 2016 as an insurance industry consortium which then formed B3i Services AG as an independent company. The shareholder group includes some of the world's largest …
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