bahr.noClient SatisfactionDiversity
At BAHR, we recognise that in order to maintain our role as a leading law firm, we must be able to attract the most talented people regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.
BAHR recruits about 30 new team members each year and we make targeted efforts to maintain and evolve diversity at the firm. Our recruitment team does at all times comprise personnel in various professional categories and of different age and gender. Our recruitment guidelines include a number of provisions to promote diversity, such as for example:
- We shall recruit from all three university law schools in Norway
- We shall have a good gender balance
- We shall attract candidates from different cultural, social, ethnical and professional backgrounds
- We shall recruit a number of experienced lawyers each year, in addition to recent graduates
- We shall each year facilitate secondments from our business partners, both in and outside Europe, typically for a period of 6 months
- We recruit a number of lawyers with international law degrees (experience from other jurisdictions and other cultures)
Working at BAHR shall provide the ultimate foundation for a successful legal career: regardless of how long a team member remains at BAHR, the time spent with us shall be rewarding and valuable. Many of our former BAHR colleagues now occupy leading positions in business and public administration, and quite a few return to BAHR after pursuing career opportunities in other organisations. This makes us proud and contributes to the diversity of our team.
The overall gender balance at our firm is favourable, at about 50/50.
It is a clear ambition for BAHR to increase the number of women in our partnership, and we are working actively to achieve this.