Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm
At Kyriakides Georgopolos Law Firm (KG) we understand that our diversity is a key element of our effectiveness and success in the market.
Diversity, and in particular gender balance, is one of our firms core values and part of our culture, as we firmly believe in the importance that different perspectives can bring to a business.
As an example, 62% of our firms lawyers are women (56 out of 90 in total) and 42% at a Partner level (8 out of 19 in total). We also make sure that we have the right processes in place in order for all our employees to be treated equally, giving them the same set of opportunities regardless of age, gender, disability, culture, sexuality or anything equivalent.
In 2019 2020, we are committed to making further progress in our already strong culture of diversity and inclusion by promoting various initiatives towards such practices. Among other activities we are considering building our own womens network and run a series of events around this topic for our clients and internal teams. Finally, we are committed to further increase gender representation at all levels across Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm.