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Adam Friel
Adam Friel
Adam Otterway Friel, Partner and Head of Education Law, has over 10 years’ experience and expertise in this specialist field. His interest in education law was sparked as a consequence of his own learning difficulties (dyslexia) and the issues he faced both at school and university. He is therefore genuinely passionate about his work and totally committed to achieving outstanding results. During his career he has developed a modern approach to his practice and prides himself in achieving clients’ results as swiftly as possible, with a straightforward, jargon-free style. He is very passionate about education rights and has been involved in a number of pro bono projects, including free charity monthly advice clinics. Adam is regularly invited to be a speaker at events, talks, workshops and conferences to charities, parent groups and schools regarding educational issues.
Chris Hawrylak
Chris Hawrylak
Chris is considered by his clients to be “extremely proactive” and excels in regeneration projects, funding transactions and complex commercial developments. He is recognised by the Legal 500 as a ‘leading individual’ in the sector. Chris has a strong reputation for high levels of client service combined with a strong sense of commercial awareness, and is considered the ‘go-to’ construction specialist for several of the East Midlands’ largest developers and contractors. With an in-depth understanding of the industry, Chris will support you wherever you are in the supply chain, including local authorities, developers, contractors, funding institutions and other construction professionals. Chris has a proven track record in risk management and project delivery and has extensive experience of: Interfacing multiple construction contracts and consultants’ appointments on fundable terms Insurance issues and the interfacing of the different policies; namely Works Insurance, PL and PI Market expectations on contractual terms which limit the liability of the project team. Chris has particular expertise in funding arrangements and advises large regional and national clients on security requirements for high value projects. His knowledge of regeneration work means he has been retained to advise public sector clients on some of the East Midlands’ largest regeneration projects.
Claire Dean
Claire Dean
Claire is a senior family solicitor, practising since 1990 and a partner in the family team at Geldards LLP. Claire is head of Geldards children team and sits on the local Family Justice Board in respect of children matters, and is a renowned expert in complex private children cases. Her reputation is as a strong and determined advocate for clients. She is frank but fair and will go the extra mile to ensure her clients get the right outcomes. Claire is also head of Geldards agricultural team and acts for farmers and land owners in the very niche area of family law that applies to them on separation and divorce. Claire drafts pre nuptial agreements and cohabitation contracts to help protect farms, land and business’ from the consequences of a divorce. Claire is an experienced mediator and advocate of alternative dispute resolution wherever appropriate. Claire will always try to find a resolution for her clients that wherever possible avoids the need for protracted and expensive litigation. Claire is a trained domestic violence advocate and adviser.  She is a member of the national Resolution Domestic Abuse Committee a. Claire has more knowledge that almost all other lawyers of the impacts of controlling relationships and can help clients move forward in very frightening situations. Claire’s financial practise is extensive and she specialises in high net worth cases and financial planning on and after marriage. Claire will try and find a financial outcome for clients that is fair.
Clare Hardy
Clare Hardy
Clare is a Partner who advises on a range of public law matters. Her experience includes advising on governance on constitutional issues, local government law, disclosure of information, member conduct, school governance and organisation and public procurement. She has worked on a range of complex projects, assisted and advised on investigations and reviewed guidance and other documents. Clare’s experience includes acting on a range of complex projects, involving public bodies. This includes advising on powers and governance, carrying out options appraisals, drafting and negotiating agreements and advising on land disposal.
David Watson
David Watson
David leads the Nottingham property team and has extensive experience in a broad range of property transactional work. He acts for numerous regional commercial and residential property developers in relation to site assembly, development and disposal, and has been involved in a number of regionally important development projects. David manages the team’s lease renewal group, a multi-disciplinary team which provides a dedicated and highly cost-effective service, and which has generated significant cost savings for clients in recent years. Those clients include Boots UK Limited and associated companies (which have a portfolio of 3,000 plus properties) and the Eurocell group of companies. David also advises a number of local and regional investors in relation to portfolio acquisitions and disposals, and other portfolio management transactions.
Debra Martin
Debra Martin
Debra heads up the Corporate practice in the Midlands. She specialises in corporate finance and has worked on a range of transactions including mergers and acquisitions, disposals, private equity deals, transitions to employee ownership and joint venture investments and shareholder arrangements. Her clients range from corporate bodies, owner managers, family-run companies, management teams, employee ownership trusts, business angels and institutional funds. Debra’s strength and depth of experience is reflected by the broad range of needs she manages for her diverse client base. Debra regularly undertakes transactions for owner managers and corporates looking for investment to grow their businesses, either organically or through a buy and build strategy, and business angels and institutional funds looking to make equity investments in privately owned companies in the UK. Transitioning the ownership of businesses is also a regular feature of Debra’s work, either to a third party by way of a sale, or to a management team through a Management Buy Out, or to employees by transition to an Employee Ownership Trust.
Douglas Hamer
Douglas Hamer
Douglas is a specialist SEN support solicitor, advising and assisting parents and young people on a variety of education issues, with a particular focus on appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Tribunal and ECHP negotiations. Douglas has diagnoses of autism and ADHD, which although presenting challenges to him, also present strengths and give him a high level of insight into what his clients’ children go through. With over nine years of experience as an education law solicitor, Douglas’ focus is on Education, Health and Care plans – ensuring they secure the right provision and placement for the child or young person. As part of this process, Douglas also ensures that they are worded robustly and protect the child or young person in the future. He also provides services concerning section 444 attendance issues, care issues, admissions appeals, disability discrimination, exclusions appeals, higher education and disability benefits. One of Douglas’s key competencies as a solicitor is in the ‘working document’ stage, where both parties negotiate an EHCP’s wording. He attributes his extreme attention to detail and perfectionist approach in this area to his neurodivergence, an example of it being a blessing rather than a curse in a professional context, which Douglas is keen for his clients’ children to experience. Douglas has also developed expertise in connection with Education Otherwise Than At School (EOTAS). He represents clients to secure highly bespoke EOTAS packages, often for children who have reached autistic burnout or a prohibitive state of anxiety. EOTAS can be achieved both through section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014, by way of an EHCP, and also through section 19 of the Education Act 1996, a lesser-known route that can yield results in urgent circumstances. He also advises clients on elective home education (EHE). Douglas has successfully appealed to have children placed in numerous specialist settings, including the following: Grateley House School (weekly residential). Swalcliffe Park School (weekly residential). Hurst Lodge School. Unicorn School. Moor House School and College. Blossom House School. Side by Side School. Gesher School. Hardwick House. Douglas has secured placements at dozens of other special schools around the country, as well as securing numerous EOTAS packages. Douglas takes every one of his cases extremely seriously and puts maximal efforts into helping clients identify the best school or educational route for their child and fighting tenaciously to achieve the results they need.
Erica Thomson
Erica Thomson
Erica is a Partner and Head of the Private Client team in the East Midlands. She has over 20 years’ of legal and tax experience and regularly receives recommendations from clients and other professionals, including accountants and financial advisers. Erica has extensive expertise in advising high net worth clients in wealth preservation and tax planning. She has an expanding client base of business owners who require advice on Inheritance Tax and succession planning. Erica also advises clients on the administration of complex estates (including BPR and APR claims), the creation of trusts and all aspects of private client work. Erica is known for her pragmatic and empathetic expert legal advice and has a loyal client base, often acting for different generations of the same family. She advises on sophisticated will and lifetime trust planning, high value and complex trust and estate administration work for farm and business owners, wealthy families and vulnerable beneficiaries.
Fiona Apthorpe
Fiona Apthorpe
Fiona is a Partner and heads Geldards’ Family team across the four Geldards’ offices. She is an experienced specialist family lawyer, Family Mediator, Family Arbitrator, Private Financial Dispute Resolution Judge, Collaborative Family Lawyer and experienced Deputy District Judge/Specialist Financial Remedies Judge. Fiona is the only Chambers Band 1 ranked family lawyer in the Derby area and is recognised as one of the top three leading family lawyers in the East Midlands by the Legal 500. Fiona specialises in more complex medium to high net worth financial cases (particularly those involving businesses, inherited assets, farms and family-owned or controlled assets/Trusts), wealth protection, Pre-Nuptial Agreements and same-sex marriage/civil partnership breakdowns. Fiona’s extensive experience and reputation in financial remedy cases have attracted instructions from many wealthy businessmen and women and high net worth individuals including the Trustees of Family Trusts, sports managers, footballers and an MP. She negotiates multi-million-pound complex financial settlements and is regularly instructed by affluent London clients at the recommendation of their barristers. Her firm but fair, pragmatic and determined yet respectful approach has led to instructions on several occasions from parties whom she acted against in their first divorce!
Graham Banks
Graham Banks
Graham is the head of the Derby office and heads up the Derby Property team. His particular specialism is commercial and residential development acting on behalf of Developer, Landowner and Occupier. Graham’s experience extends to strategic land and short-term development land, with deal size varying from anything from small single-use developments to sites comprising 3000 units. He is known for his good, sound practical advice on how to get from A to B. Graham spends the majority of his time dealing with residential development sites comprising conditional contracts, option agreements, promotion agreements, collaboration agreements and all manner of infrastructure and planning documents. He also undertakes similar work in the commercial sector but including forward funding and investment agreements, joint ventures and project management structures. Clients enjoy discussing ideas with Graham to reach a practical commercial solution.
Heather Dixon
Heather Dixon
Heather has an excellent track record delivering pragmatic advice to developers and landowners on a comprehensive range of transactions relating to the acquisition, development, letting and disposal of commercial and residential sites. She successfully works with a client’s internal and wider professional team to proactively identify key issues and find solutions to achieve the best possible outcome for her client. A source describes Heather as “exceptionally committed and diligent, she makes deals happen whilst protecting our legal interests.” Heather’s principal focus is acting for developers dealing with site assembly, conditional build agreements and forward funding in the industrial and logistics market. Heather also deals with the acquisition and disposal of residential development sites and has assisted a number of local FE Colleges with site disposals to generate substantial inward investment in learning facilities.
Jaclyn Barnes
Jaclyn Barnes
Jackie is a Partner in the Private Client team, advising clients on wills, tax and estate planning, estate administration, trust administration and court of protection matters. Jackie became a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners in 2008. Clients are often referred to Jackie by other professional advisers with whom she works to provide a joined up approach to the client’s personal planning. Jackie works closely with client’s other key advisors to provide a holistic approach to their planning. Jackie helps to administer a number of large family trusts and is often involved with estates with cross border assets and/or people.
Jamie Goldberg
Jamie Goldberg
Jamie is a commercial contracts and corporate lawyer with a particular focus in the sport, media and entertainment sectors. Jamie acts for investors, national and international sport governing bodies, sports agents, national selectors and other sport and media executives, rights holders, sports clubs and associations, media agencies, athletes, brands, theatre groups, ticketing businesses and a host of other commercial organisations. Jamie represents: Sports rights holders in relation to sponsorship, partnerships, licensing and media rights agreements. National sport governing bodies for all commercial requirements (he advised on the hosting and staging agreements for the 2019 Cricket World Cup). World-renowned athletes in relation to sponsorship and endorsements, appearance agreements, representation agreements, image rights, joint ventures and other commercial opportunities. Media and entertainment clients such as theatre groups, ticketing businesses, live music events, venues and digital media businesses in relation to production and distribution, software and services agreements and digital media contracts. The organisers of major events
Jamie Gordon
Jamie Gordon
Jamie is a veteran property lawyer who joined Geldards in 1996, having previously spent 11 years at Hogan Lovells in London. He established the firm’s Nottingham property practice and developed and led the Networks team, the largest department in the firm, managing thousands of electricity and gas network transactions for numerous utilities network operator clients. He also conducted some of the region’s highest profile and most significant deals and projects, such as Trinity House, E.ON’s landmark HQ in Nottingham and the Markham Vale regeneration scheme. After decades of success, Jamie has handed over the reins of the 40+ strong Networks team of lawyers, paralegals and administrators, specialising in delivering high volume, time critical property solutions for electricity and gas distribution operators – the largest team of its kind in the UK – to Jay Atubra and become a part time consultant. Under Jay’s leadership, the team will continue to demonstrate its cutting edge expertise regarding the interface between independent distribution network operators, independent connection providers and distribution network operators, leverage its unrivalled industry experience to devise innovative time saving processes and systems, seamlessly take on large caseloads from previous legal services providers and exemplify its unique dual client and customer focus.
Jane Cowley
Jane Cowley
Jane is an experienced Family Lawyer and Collaborative Practitioner. She advises clients on all aspects of relationship and family matters, focusing on complex financial and company issues involving owner managed businesses, company re-structuring, and national and international assets. Jane regularly supports high net worth individuals with complex asset structures, many involving private and public limited companies, and focusing on shareholding and taxation issues within a family context. She deals with cases with substantial assets and offshore structures and has acted for many professionals amongst the business community. Jane is Director and former Chair of Leicestershire Business Voice, a member of the De Montfort University Legal Advisory Board and is retained as a Legal Advisor for ITV Studios, Emmerdale programme. She is often called upon to advise the media in relation to family law matters.
Janine Hobday
Janine Hobday
Advising on a wide range of family law matters, Janine specialises in dealing with the financial repercussions of relationship breakdown. By taking the time to fully understand a client’s individual and business needs, Janine gives practical and pragmatic advice to spouses and civil partners. She has successfully represented city professionals, medics, entrepreneurs, farmers and sports personalities. Janine increasingly drafts, negotiates and advises on nuptial agreements and cohabitation agreements to protect and safeguard family wealth. Janine is solution driven; aiming to resolve disputes as swiftly and constructively as possible.
Jenny Chatten
Jenny Chatten
Jenny is an experienced corporate lawyer, advising companies through periods of change and helping them to achieve their business goals. She also leads the Banking team in the Midlands, helping companies and banks negotiate and make sense of funding documents. She acts for the major UK banks, as well as for public and private sector lenders and borrowers. Jenny works with businesses and owners to help them strategise and plan for their future, whether for a sale, succession planning or investment. She is known for applying commercial solutions to complex issues, for her level head and good business sense. Jenny performs a wide range of corporate and corporate finance work, including advising on buying and selling businesses, mergers and acquisitions, MBOs, shareholders’ agreements, joint ventures and general company law. Jenny also provides advice on the full range of banking matters, including loan documentation, guarantees, security documents, deeds of priority and intercreditor arrangements. Jenny also has particular expertise in agriculture, where she advises on farming partnerships, and in the care sector, where she advises on provision of finance for and sales of care homes and pharmacies.
Jonathan Butler
Jonathan Butler
Jon is a Partner handling large and complex commercial disputes across a broad range of sectors. He is joint head of the Automotive team, described in Legal 500 UK 2020 as a “powerhouse”. The Automotive team represent manufacturers and some of the largest franchised motor vehicle retailers across the UK. Jon is a Board member of The Vehicle Remarketing Association Limited (The VRA) which seeks to protect the interests of businesses involved in the used car market for the greater good of the re-marketing sector. He is a member of LawInSport and ranked in Legal 500 UK as a Leading Individual and Recommended Lawyer for Dispute Resolution in the East Midlands.
Kate Keenan
Kate Keenan
Kate is an experienced Family solicitor advising on all aspects of financial matters arising from the breakdown of a relationship; whether married, cohabiting, or same sex couples. Cases often involve complex issues such as significant business interests, pensions and third-party involvement. Kate assists clients looking to protect their interests and assets, whether at the outset or in the early or later stages in a relationship, advising on Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements and Cohabitation Agreements (‘Living Together Agreements’). She also represents and advises on the arrangements for children following a relationship breakdown. Kate regularly deals with financial matters arising through divorce, helping clients reach agreement, whether in or out of the Court process. She is well-versed in considering alternative ways of resolving disputes, without resorting to Court proceedings. She has advised on two reported cases, involving business worth £50m+. She advises cohabitees, drafting Living Together Agreements or assisting them in reaching an agreement on separation. Kate helps clients resolve the arrangements for children, dealing specifically with who they are to live with and/or spend time with as well as advising on specific issues, such as a change of school or surname.
Kevin McManamon
Kevin McManamon
Kevin is a Partner specialising in Education law and Mental Capacity law, and acts for families across the whole of England and Wales. He is the only solicitor in the country to have genuine expertise in special educational needs law as it applies to the separate jurisdictions in England and Wales, combined with Mental Capacity law in both jurisdictions. Having previous practised in City of London firms, Kevin has also headed up a Court of Protection Department and is a member of the Education Law Association and the Court of Protection Practitioners Association. With over 15 years’ experience and expertise in these specialist fields he has advised a huge number of families and individuals on education law, disability-related matters and public law.
Lloyd Smith
Lloyd Smith
Lloyd is a Partner in the Nottingham Dispute Resolution team with over fourteen years’ litigation experience and with particular expertise in dealing with complex cases spanning multiple jurisdictions. Lloyd is experienced in resolving business owner disputes as well as helping clients with technology disputes, financial regulatory issues and franchising disputes. He regularly advises on issues including breach of contract or warranty claims, advising on contract termination in business owner disputes (shareholder and/or partnership disputes) as well as in the Technology sector (both telecoms and internet). In the Financial Services sector, Lloyd provides support in relation to regulatory issues, fraud claims, corporate finance issues and miss selling of financial products. Whilst in the Franchising sector, advising franchisors in relation to managing their network. In addition, Lloyd advises on Regulatory issues and Parliamentary investigations. In the current environment, supporting clients with their business interruption claims advising on all aspects as well as reviewing their insurance policies to ensure that they are robust should another unforeseen incident occur.
Mark Hacking
Mark Hacking
Mark is a property litigation specialist, dealing with disputes about land or anything attached to land. He enjoys guiding commercial and private clients through the complex and technical world of litigation and property management with his own individual blend of commercial acumen and humour. He also handles professional negligence work, particularly regarding property matters. Mark is seen by his clients, both blue chip household names and private individuals, as a trusted adviser, providing not just legal advice, but commercial and strategic guidance. Mark also practises as a Notary Public and is a qualified commercial Mediator. Mark has particular expertise in landlord and tenant disputes and property management work, acting for both landlords and tenants. Issues can arise both during and at the end of a commercial lease; Mark and his team are there to help whenever the need arises. He also handles issues relating to freehold property, title disputes, rights of way. Mark advises the Firm’s major household name clients in the utilities, motor retail and retail sectors, as well as private commercial businesses, developers and investors.
Natalie Haydon-Yeung
Natalie Haydon-Yeung
Natalie advises clients on a full range of family matters. She regularly represents married clients in divorce and financial remedy cases. She advises unmarried couples on the separation of assets following a relationship breakdown, including incorporation of any agreements into legally binding documents. Natalie also acts for parents and grandparents in relation to arrangements concerning their children and grandchildren. This includes day to day arrangements along with cases of relocation both domestically and internationally. Natalie is regularly involved in complex financial remedy cases involving large property portfolios, trust assets and business interests. In respect of children matters, Natalie represents clients in high conflict and protracted proceedings involving sensitive issues such as domestic violence, substance misuse, mental health and parental conflict. Natalie has represented clients at various Finding of Fact Hearings.
Nino Simone
Nino Simone
Nino is head of the Dispute Resolution team in the Midlands and specialises in all areas of Dispute Resolution, complex Commercial Contract disputes, Shareholder disputes, Adjudication and Contentious Intellectual Property. He also co-chairs the Firms Automotive Sector and is an Accredited Mediator with ADR. He is a facilitator bringing together experience of commercial negotiation and strategic advice to find a commercial solution for all concerned. He oversees Geldards’ German desk. Nino has acted for large and small businesses in contractual disputes as well as acting for Directors in Shareholder disputes with fellow Directors or Shareholders. He applies Mediation skills to every situation to try and find a solution for all concerned.
Paul Feenan
Paul Feenan
Paul is a highly experienced corporate lawyer advising businesses of all sizes on the full range of company law matters, from M&A transactions to strategic advice to shareholders and directors. Clients particularly value Paul’s ability to focus on the points that matter, his approachable nature and his appreciation that getting the right deal at the right price applies as much to legal services as it does to buying and selling your business. Paul’s main area of expertise is M&A transactions and he regularly advises clients on strategic acquisitions and disposals, whether for owner managed businesses or larger corporate groups. Paul also has a wealth of experience of group reorganisations and capital restructurings. He has also advised on private equity transactions and investments, as well as day to day advice to directors and shareholders.
Peter Seary
Peter Seary
Peter is a partner in the Corporate team and heads the food and drink group. His experience includes M&A work, often with cross-border aspects, international due diligence projects, joint ventures, reorganisations and corporate governance. He has particular experience of advising on transactions in the food, manufacturing and technology sectors and co-ordinating large UK due diligence projects for overseas clients and their advisers. Peter has been recognised as a leader in his field for many years by Chambers and Legal 500.
Rachel Mills
Rachel Mills
Rachel is a Senior Associate in the Employment law team and is experienced in contentious and non-contentious matters, for both individuals and companies. Rachel advises a wide range of sectors in all aspects of employment law, including general HR advisory matters such as redundancies, grievances, disciplinaries and performance-related issues through to Tribunal claims. This includes claims such as unfair dismissal, whistleblowing, discrimination and contractual issues. She regularly assists the Corporate team in relation to TUPE advice. Rachel provides training, seminars and case law updates for her clients on a regular basis. Rachel is regularly called upon by her clients to provide pragmatic and commercial solutions to workplace disputes. She regularly provides advice on termination procedures, being mindful of any subsequent litigation that may follow. She frequently drafts or advises upon Settlement Agreements where an expedient, commercial settlement is a more favourable outcome to the parties. Dealing with breaches of contracts in respect of restraint of trade or defending Tribunal claims is also part of Rachel’s vast repertoire in this area.
Rebecca Stojak
Rebecca Stojak
Rebecca is a Senior Associate solicitor in the Dispute Resolution team. She has experience dealing with a wide range of disputes, including disputes relating to; business, contracts, theft of confidential information, franchise agreements, charity, education and the healthcare sector, this also includes complex injunctions. Specialising in equine law, Rebecca acts for individuals, professional riders and large equestrian companies and international charities as well as writing for several well-known publications on all matters relating to horses and the law and is a keen horsewoman. Rebecca has advised large automotive sporting companies together with national and international sporting professionals and Olympians on a range of sporting and competition disputes. Rebecca advises individuals, organisations, sports professionals, celebrities, political parties and politicians on a range of defamation matters. Rebecca is well regarded for her straightforward, commercial and personable approach.
Ruth Thurland
Ruth Thurland
Ruth is an insolvency specialist acting for companies, individuals, directors, creditors and office holders in relation to all aspects of insolvency, both contentious and non-contentious. Ruth deals with both personal and corporate insolvency and acts for Insolvency Practitioners in relation to all aspects of their appointments. She advises both creditors and companies in financial difficulties on their options and is experienced in defending claims by office-holders and advising company directors in relation to proceedings for disqualification or breach of duty. Ruth’s recent experience includes: Appointment of administrators and receivers. Sale and purchase of businesses out of administration and liquidation. Pursuing and defending applications in relation to preference, transaction at undervalue, wrongful and fraudulent trading, transactions defrauding creditors, misfeasance and breach of duty. Asset recovery and preservation. Retention of title. Advising companies in financial difficulties, particularly those that are the subject of winding up petitions, including applications for validation orders. Advising directors on their duties and responsibilities. Dealing with director disqualification proceedings and applications for leave to act while disqualified.
Saima Shabir
Saima Shabir
Saima is a Senior Associate in the Commercial team. She is an experienced commercial and data protection lawyer who advises a wide range of clients, from sole traders and international corporations to schools and MATs. Saima supports clients on various aspects of contractual work (including IT contracts, licensing and intellectual property, supply, agency, distribution and early help services agreements) and regularly advises on data protection. Her experience in data protection ranges from assisting clients in conducting risk audits, advising on personal data breaches and responding to subject access requests, reviewing and/or drafting data protection policies and providing training / presentations on ensuring compliance with the law.
Salise Dourmoush
Salise Dourmoush
Salise Dourmoush, Senior Associate, has over 10 years’ experience in the legal field and 6 years with a specialist practice in SEN. Salise has worked on behalf of parents at a leading Appellant City Law Firm and on behalf of local authorities as their in-house SEN and Education Lead. This has provided her with 3-dimensional understanding of the field and an enhanced approach to her practice. Salise uses this experience to assist children and young people with SEN to achieve their best possible outcomes in their education and future lives. During her career, Salise has developed a jargon-free, practical, and collaborative approach, to try and achieve the best results for her clients as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible. Salise is an experienced advocate and holds many training sessions for those wanting to learn about SEN Tribunal processes and final hearings. She is a member of the Education Law Association. Salise is also bi-lingual and can speak fluent Turkish.