Fenech & Fenech Advocates
Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of the Fenech & Fenech Advocates culture, aligned to our values and essential to the way in which we do business. The Firm has a CSR Committee which has the duty and responsibility of planning, budgeting and managing the organisations CSR initiatives.
We monitor our improvement and impact within our workplace and the community and strive to ensure that we make a difference, even if small, in our working environment and the community on a number of levels, including by:
- trying to raise the aspirations of young people in education by making available work experience opportunities and traineeship programmes for young aspiring professionals, as well as encouraging our employees to further their studies by making available study leave and other assistance and incentive programmes to employees furthering their studies in relevant fields, which is over and above each employees vacation leave entitlement;
- ensuring that our organisation is accessible to people from a diverse range of backgrounds and circumstances
- providing access to funding and donations to support worthy causes, people in urgent need of financial assistance for medical or other reasons, and children from a disadvantaged background;
- working towards minimising our environmental impact;
- supporting the arts and Maltas cultural heritage.
A. Our Workplace
We are committed to providing our people with a safe, fair and inclusive work environment. We seek to engender an inclusive and collegiate workplace culture in which equal opportunities are genuinely available to all. We are committed to ensuring and improving gender balance and diversity across the Firm.
We want to be an employer of choice within our industry, and aim to recruit and retain the very best talent, to deliver high quality service to our clients.
The Firm has implemented a flexi-time and work-from-home policy which affords employees flexible working arrangements which suit the needs of the employee taking into account the organisations requirements and its commitment to providing its clients with an efficient and timely service.
B. Our Community
We are committed to providing access to funding and donations to the various organisations which do excellent work in the community working with differently abled people, children in care and people in need of urgent medical attention but may not have the means to obtain the same. Our employees take part in various fund-raising initiatives to help raise money for these worthy causes.
C. Environmental Commitment
We acknowledge that the business activities of our organisation have an impact on the environment. We proactively manage our environmental impacts through the central management of our offices, and are always looking towards ways of minimising wastage of resources.
D. Supporting the Arts and our Cultural Heritage
Operating, as we do, from the capital city of Malta, Valletta which is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre, we are proud of our cultural heritage, and appreciate art, both classical and contemporary.
The Firm has an eclectic collection of works of art by local classical and contemporary artists and funds initiatives aimed at the preservation of our heritage.