
Jakob Plesner Mathiasen

Jakob Plesner Mathiasen

Work Department

IP & Digital Business


Jakob Plesner Mathiasen is a specialist in consulting in IP law, including media and entertainment law. Jakob has wide experience with advising on copyrights, where he e.g. acts as permanent adviser for the majority of music companies in Denmark. By virtue of his expertise in copyright, Jakob has also been appointed Secretary of The Danish Copyright Society and National Group Director of IFPI Denmark.

Jakob has profound insight into – and focus on – the digital development and the IP legal issues that arises from this. As a result of his focus on media and entertainment law, Jakob is editor of the textbook of entertainment law and an associate professor on the same subject at the University of Copenhagen.

Jakob has wide experience in handling complex cases within media and entertainment law, including disputes, entering into agreements and strategic advice. Jakob has been an adviser on significant and complex cases regarding the scope of IP legal protection (including the first case worldwide that made it possible to order telecommunications companies to block copyright-infringing material on the Internet).

As part of the strategic advice to rights holders, Jakob has been a key adviser with reference to the preparation - and implementation - of the rules on online platforms' liability for IP infringing material.

Jakob also has profound insight into the collective management of copyright, which is characterized by being extremely complex and detailed. Here, Jakob has been involved in publishing the legal commentary on collective management of copyright.

By virtue of his specialisation in the field, Jakob has published a number of the central books in the field of media and entertainment law as well as copyright law.

In addition, Jakob - together with Professor Morten Rosenmeier - runs the podcast Entertainmentretten, where they on a monthly basis review the development within the legal field and analyse the most important cases and issues.


Gorrissen Federspiel, Managing Counsel 2021 - IFPI Denmark, National Group Director 2010 – Ples&Lindholm, Partner 2013 – 2021 Karnov Group, Book Author (specialist) 2006 – ADR.EU, The Czech Arbitration Court, Panelist 2006 - 2012 Johan Schlüter law firm, Attorney At Law / Associate 2002 – 2012 Kluwer Copyright Case Law, Correspondent 2006 – 2007 Bech-Bruun, Associate 2001




Gorrissen Federspiel, Entertainmentretten, Podcast host 2021 - University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, External lecturer in Entertainment Law 2018 - JUC, Regular lecturer 2013 - Danish Rhythmic Music Conservatory , External teacher 2003 Board Member: Gramex, Board Member 2019 - Danish Association of Copyright, Board Member and secretary 2020 - Copydan Verdens TV, Board observer 2019
