
Aimery de Schoutheete
- Phone+32 2 551 15 22
- Email[email protected]
Work Department
Commercial contracts and Litigation, Labour and Employment, International Arbitration and Dispute Regulation
Aimery de Schoutheete has more than 30 years of experience in Business Law at the Belgian lawfirm Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick.
He has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts, with particular focuson distribution agreements and trading contracts for commodities, and in handling litigation andarbitration before the Belgian courts, foreign EU jurisdictions and both national and internationalarbitration tribunals (ICC, CEPANI, Swiss Chambers, ad hoc procedures). In the past 12 years, hehas regularly been appointed as arbitrator in proceedings before the ICC and CEPANI, whether assole arbitrator or as chairman of the tribunal.
His focus is directed towards the commercial distribution area as well as the natural resources(upstream and downstream), petro-chemical, commodities and agribusiness industries. Aimery alsohas experience in the hospitality and construction sectors.
Aimery de Schoutheete is a recognised specialist in the field of distribution law, as is evidenced by hisseveral publications in this field. For a period of 12 years (2002 -2014), he was the member of theeditorial committee of the Revue de Droit Commercial, in charge of general commercial law (includingdistribution law and arbitration matters). He is currently member of the peer review committee of theRevue de Droit Commercial. He is also recognised as a specialist in the field of arbitration and is amember of the ICC task force on emergency arbitration. He is admitted on the ICC’s and CEPANI’slists of arbitrators. He is also admitted on the arbitrators list of the OHADA Arbitration Court, IDArband the Swiss Chamber of Arbitration (SCAI).
Aimery de Schoutheete joined Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick in 1986 and becamePartner in 1995. He was the firm’s Managing Partner from 2001 through 2010. Subsequently heheaded, until the end of 2012, the Commercial Contracts & Litigation Practice Group withinLiedekerke, regrouping both the “Litigation and Arbitration” and the “Commercial Contracts” teams of the firm. He is the chair of Liedekerke’s International Committee as well as head of the Liedekerke’sSpanish Desk, Italy Desk and Africa Desk. He is also the Chairman of Liedekerke Africa, the firm’ssubsidiary established in Kinshasa, DRC.
French, English, Dutch, Spanish
Aimery is a member of the ICC Belgian Committee, the OHADA Arbitration Court, CEPANI, FRANCARBI and IDArb
Aimery holds a law degree (1983) as well as a degree in philosophy (1984) from the University of Louvain (UCL).