

At Reddy Charlton LLP we are committed to creating a positive work environment amongst all employees. We are dedicated to promoting and encouraging diversity. We strive to promote a workplace which understands, appreciates and embraces difference. We endeavour to practice mutual respect for all qualities and experiences that are different from the majority in every aspect of our firm.

Pro Bono

Reddy Charlton LLP is committed to encouraging pro bono legal advice and representation and support for this activity is an integral value of the firm. It is indeed part of our vision for this to continue for many years to come.
We believe that all members of the firm, from Partner to Trainee Solicitor should aim to participate in pro bono matters. By doing this, Reddy Charlton LLP bolsters the positive impact this legal advice or representation will have on those individuals who cannot afford to pay for it and to the general public interest as a whole.

The provision of legal advice on a pro bono basis helps individuals to become more aware of their rights and we feel it also helps communities become more robust.
Many of our solicitors volunteer at Free Legal Advice Centres on a regular basis.
Roisin Benefit, Head of the Property Department, is a member of the Chancery Lane Project which is a worldwide project focused on developing new contracts and model laws to help fight climate change. The project is aligned with and supports the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals relating to climate action and net zero carbon emissions targets.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Reddy Charlton LLP have continued to focus on their corporate social responsibility and continue to foster a close connection to SightSavers Ireland, an international charity working to eliminate preventable blindness.

The Reddy Charlton LLP team raised over €5,000 by taking part in a 100 feet abseil from the rooftop of Croke Park to the hallowed turf below. Additionally, we host regular raffle events in order to raise vital funds to support the critical efforts of Sightsavers Ireland to protect the sight of those most vulnerable both at home and abroad.

We have recently begun a partnership with Clean Coasts, a project of An Taisce. With the guidance of experts in Clean Coasts, we volunteer as a firm on a quarterly basis to do beach clean ups around Dublin.

We also make regular donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul which is a nation wide charity whose goal is to fight poverty.

Last but by no means, least our office plays host to an urban beehive, which is tended by our Chairman, Paul Keane. Urban beekeeping is recognised as a key driver in the promotion of biodiversity in city spaces. We regularly gift jars of honey to clients and colleagues alike and make donations to St. Francis’ Hospice for each jar gifted.