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Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS

Client Satisfaction


Reidar Myhre

Reidar Myhre

Work Department

Environment; Real Estate; Insolvency and Restructuring


Associate Partner. In recent years, Mr Myhre has been involved in several major transactions related to sale and purchase of commercial properties and industrial businesses. He regularly holds lectures on property law and insolvency law through courses arranged by the Norwegian Bar Association. He heads Thommessen's practice area of Environment, and is also a member of the practice areas Commercial Property and Insolvency and Restructuring.


2004- Associate Partner, Oslo office, Thommessen; 2002-2004; Senior Associate, Oslo office, Thommessen; 2002 Practising Certificate; 2000-2002 Associate, Oslo office, Thommessen; 1997-1999 Deputy Judge, Sandnes City Court; 1995-1997 Legal Adviser, Legislation Department, Norwegian Ministry of Justice; 1992-1995 Higher Executive Officer, Legislation Department, Norwegian Ministry of Justice; 1989-1990 Research Assistant, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo




Norwegian Bar Association


1992- Candidate in Jurisprudence, University of Oslo

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