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Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS

Client Satisfaction


Espen Werring

Espen Werring

Work Department

IT and Data Protection/Privacy; Intellectutal Property


Espen is a trusted adviser to organizations developing and implementing their mission-critical digitization strategies. He typically advice the largest organizations in the private sector with their sourcing of services within development, transformation, maintenance and operation of business-critical IT and business processes. He is ranked as one of Norway's leading lawyers within this field in national and international directories.


2018– Partner, Oslo office, Thommessen; 2010–2018 Partner, Advokatfirmaet Haavind; 2007–2010 Lawyer, Group Legal, Telenor ASA; 2006–2007 Lawyer, Advokatfirmaet Haavind; 2003 Admitted to the bar; 2001–2006 Associate, Oslo office, Thommessen


Norwegian; English


Norwergian Bar Association


2003–2004 IT and Internet law, EU Internal Market Law, International Commercial Arbitration, King's College and Queen Mary, London; 1995–2000 Candidate in Jurisprudence, University of Oslo


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