News and developments
The aftermath of COVID-19 outbreak – Practicing social distancing during AGMS of listed companies
As the negative consequences of COVID-19 continue to expand, companies are facing various demanding challenges, one of them being related to the organisation of the Annual General Meetings of the Shareholders (“AGMS”).
Considering that the following two months overlap with the season of the AGMS, companies should reconsider the arrangements for the 2020 AGMS due to the (i) existing (large) gatherings ban; (ii) existing travel bans; (iii) obligation to maintain social distance; (iv) (possible) closure of most of the venues that had/could have been selected for hosting the AGMS.
The (re)arrangements should satisfy all the general legal requirements provided for the convening and conducting of the shareholders meeting in case of joint-stock companies and, also if the case, the special ones applicable to listed companies.
The particularity of the AGMS is that on one hand, it obliges the shareholders to discuss essential matters (such as the presentation of the annual management report; the approval of the annual financial statements; the business plan for the respective financial year), and, on the other hand, it traditionally implies that the shareholders engage directly with the management.
Which are the current possibilities for holding the AGMS?
In case of joint-stock companies, shareholders may hold the general meetings by correspondence, provided that this possibility had already been included in the Bylaws of the company.
In case of listed companies, shareholders may participate and exercise their voting rights not only by correspondence, but also via electronic means, subject to certain legal conditions.
Along with the transposition of the EU Shareholders Rights Directive in the Romanian legal framework, listed companies may offer to their shareholders any form of participation in the general meeting by electronic means, especially one or all of the following forms of participation: (i) real time transmission of the general meeting; (ii) real time two-way communication enabling shareholders to address the general meeting from a remote location; (iii) a mechanism for casting votes, whether before or during the general meeting, without the need to appoint a proxy holder who would be physically present at the meeting.
Hence, listed companies may permit shareholders to participate in the general meeting by electronic means as long as the companies’ management: (i) had previously approved the procedures to be followed for the use of such electronic means and (ii) determined that the technical requirements mentioned above are met and electronic means can be used.
Can companies hold a wholly virtual AGMS?
As previously mentioned above, while non listed joint-stock companies may permit shareholders to exercise their voting rights only by correspondence (although, in practice, a virtual meeting is often held before signing by correspondence), listed companies may permit their shareholders to use electronic means for attending the AGMS, which at the first sight may suggest that wholly virtual AGMS are permitted.
However, even if all the legal conditions are observed and all the practical challenges (ie. technical, security challenges) are surpassed, not even listed companies are permitted to organise wholly virtual AGMS due to the following impediments: (i) the convening notice must include the place of the GMS and a clear description of the GSM rules (ie. voting procedure); (ii) the members of the board should be present at the place of the GMS; (iii) at the beginning of the GMS, shareholders should appoint one meeting secretary among the present shareholders (at the place of the GMS); (iv) the minute of the GMS shall be signed by both the president of the board and the meeting secretary (appointed from among the present shareholders).
How about a hybrid AGMS?
A hybrid meeting implies a physical location for the meeting, but also the possibility of the shareholders to participate/exercise their voting rights via electronic means.
Given that a wholly virtual AGMS would not satisfy all the current legal requirements, a hybrid AGMS appears to be the most appropriate solution, being thus possible to limit the attending persons to very few persons (ie. the members of the board, the technical secretary and the meeting secretary chosen among the shareholders).
Practical considerations & best practices for holding the 2020 AGMS
Since a company should ensure an equal treatment for all shareholders with regard to the participation and the exercise of their voting rights in the general meetings, while also aiming to protect the shareholders’ best interests, the following practical points could be considered by listed companies:
Possible legislation amendments
In light of the emergency state set up due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Romanian Investors Relations Association (“ARIR”) requested public authorities to provide flexible provisions regarding the organisation of the annual general meetings of the shareholders, such as [2]:
“1. eliminating the obligation to publish the convening notice in the Official Gazette and in a wide-ranging newspaper from the location where the company headquarters or from the nearest region, which requires physical travel, allowing online publication alternatives (companies’ website, BVB and FSA platforms, etc.);
In light of the increasing concerns on the risk of COVID-19 exposure, companies should reconsider as soon as possible their arrangements for the 2020 AGMS.
Based on the above, a hybrid meeting appears to be the most appropriate option since shareholders may choose whether to participate in person or via electronic means to the AGMS.
However, as one-measure-fits-all approach is not recommendable, specific analysis is required on each particular situation in order to assess all applicable regulations; the specific provisions of the company’s Bylaws/GMS procedures; and also the potential impact of changing the perspective of a traditional AGMS.
Notwithstanding the uncertainty surroundings created by COVID-19, we remain available to all clients and interested persons who need legal advice in the process of organising the AGMS.
[1]See also the press release of the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority issued on March 12, 2020 -
By Alexandru Ambrozie and Diana Dobra