News and developments

Press Releases

PNSA in the deal through which Auchan shall operate 400 MyAuchan stores within OMV Petrom stations

PNSA advised Auchan Retail Romania in respect of the takeover of the entire chain (more than 400 units) of OMV Petrom petrol filling stations in view of converting them into MyAuchan proximity stores and their further non-petrol retail operation. This is the biggest project ever of a Romanian petrol retailer to outsource the non-petrol products retail activity in favor of a top retail player on the Romanian market.
23 September 2020
Press Releases

GDPR: Relations and responsibilities in the processing of personal data

GDPR: Relations and responsibilities in the processing of personal data (controllers, processors and sub-processors) There is no doubt that every company processes personal data (e.g. of its’ employees’, clients’, contractual partners’). Most often, this also involves a constant barter between companies processing personal data and companies providing various services (e.g. HR, IT, payroll, datacenters, cloud services), both of them falling within the scope of the GDPR.
28 October 2019
Press Releases

Recent changes to the Labour Code. Tougher rules aimed to tackle undeclared work

By amending the Labour Code in August 2017, via the Emergency Ordinance no. 53/2017, the Government toughened the rules on conclusion and declaration of employment contracts and facilitated the authorities’ control activities in the sensitive area of undeclared work. Some of the main changes introduced by EGO no. 53/2017 are related to the registration of employment contracts, to the prohibition of rendering work/accepting work in the absence of a written employment contract and to the employer’s obligation to officially record the daily duration of each employee’s presence in the work place, including entry and exit hours.
28 October 2019
Press Releases

Strengthening the Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Laundered money is oxygen to crime, terrorism and tax-avoidance. We need to cut off its supply as best we can. Today's stronger rules are a big step forward but we now need quick agreement on the further improvements the Commission proposed last July", “(…) The new rules as of today are crucial to closing further loopholes. I urge all Member States to put them in place without delay: lower standards in one country will weaken the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing across the EU. I also call for quick agreement on the further revisions proposed by the Commission following the "Panama Papers" to increase transparency of beneficial ownership”,
28 October 2019
Press Releases

Companies are welcoming a new team player – the Data Protection Officer

The new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) could not have enlarged data controllers’ and data processors’ obligations and apply such great sanctions without anticipating the need for companies to appoint a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). While companies must now turn their focus on ensuring compliance with the GDPR every step of the way, the DPO will be a key player in reaching this goal.
28 October 2019
Popovici Nitu Stoica & Asociatii