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Tobias Björklund

Tobias Björklund

Setterwalls, Sweden

Work Department

Banking & Finance, FinTeck


Partner, Banking & Finance, Stockholm

Tobias a partner in the banking and finance practice group and specialized in financial regulatory issues.

Tobias has 15 years of experience working with financial regulatory matters and financial services related legal topics. He has had specialist and managerial roles at Finansinspektionen (the Swedish FSA) and have extensive experience of for instance licensing and supervisory issues concerning financial institutions such as banks, securities companies and funds and the market in which they operate. Tobias primary focus has been the rules concerning trading in the securities market, investment firms, the financial infrastructure and insurance distributors.


2021-, Setterwalls 2011-2021, FSA (Finansinspektionen) 2009-2011, National Board for Consumer Disputes (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden) 2006-2007, Stockholm District Court, law clerk 2005, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB


Swedish, English


2007-2008, University of Western Australia, Perth/Australien, LL.M. 2004, Stockholm University, LL.M.


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